Houston Community College Labor Dancing Discussion Responses

  • Please response to the discussion.

      Reply to at least two classmates’ posts. Your response to your classmate’s discussion should be around 50 words (each) and add to the discussion (i.e. reflecting on their response, asking questions, etc.).


    • For the instructor assigned article, what do you think were the major findings?One of the major findings in this article showed labor dancing not only had a positive effect on laboring mothers but it was also beneficial to the newborn babies (Akin & Saydam, 2020). The support from the laboring mothers spouse/partner or midwife was an important factor in providing the pregnant mother a positive delivery experience.
    • What was the design (descriptive, correlative, experimental or quasi-experimental)? Give a rationale for why you think the author(s) chose this design.The design used in this research article was experimental. I would suggest this design was used because it allows the experimenter to make specific conclusions as objectively as possible. Using the experimental design, the experimenter can state specifically why the control group (No labor support) results were slightly different from the other two groups DPSG (Spouse Support) and DPMG (Midwife Support)
    • What other type of research design could be used for a study about this topic? Why would you choose to study the topic this way?Another design that could be used is correlative design. This design could be used to illustrate how laboring mothers report their delivery experience if laboring dance was performed by a spouse/partner/midwife who had training prior to delivery compared to having supportive member who was not trained. These results would allow the experimenter to understand the importance of labor dance training prior to delivery.B. For the instructor assigned article, what do you think were the major findings?The major findings in the assigned article include the positive effect of labor dance on perceived labor pain, birth satisfaction, and neonatal outcomes as the levels of perceived labor pain were significantly decreased in the experimental group compared to the control group. In addition to the findings, labor dance was shown to have a positive effect on newborn babies and the women in labor. Furthermore, the article revealed that labor dance performed with spouses helped women gain satisfaction with labor experience and that women who were attended to under the humanistic care model had higher level of satisfaction compared to those that were attended to under the biomedical care model. Overall, this article revealed that pregnant women desire the presence of their midwives as much as that of their families during labor (Akin & Saydam, 2020).What was the design (descriptive, correlative, experimental or quasi-experimental)? Give a rationale for why you think the author(s) chose this design.This article employed an experimental design method because the causality, relationship between labor dance and birth satisfaction variables were examined under a controlled condition (Grove & Gray, 2019 pg. 56).What other type of research design could be used for a study about this topic? Why would you choose to study the topic this way?Another research design that could be used for a study about this topic is quasi-experimental research design. This is because quasi-experimental research design investigates by determining the effect of a variable on another variable and regarding this topic, the effect of labor dance on perceived labor pain, birth satisfaction, and neonatal outcomes (Grove & Gray, 2019 pg. 56; Akin & Saydam, 2020).
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