How to be an Effective Communicator Presentation



There is a lot of information here. I know it is a lot to digest. Don’t worry, as you will have several weeks to get the presentation ready.

You are to organize and deliver a 2-4 minute presentation on what you have learned in this class. You will turn in the presentation in the form of a video. You are required to present the information in a way that is clear, accurate and interesting.


The good news is that you don’t actually have to do any outside research for this presentation. You will have to look over what you have learned in this class, think about it, and show that you understand how these topics apply to you.

The presentation should consist of 3 points:

  • Overall, what did you learn about yourself in this class?
  • Choose one of the following topics and talk about how it applies to you:ListeningIf you choose listening, talk about what your listening challenges are. For example, do you use a particular type of nonlistening? Have you had people close to you tell you you need to work on your listening skills?DefensivenessIf you choose defensiveness, what type of defense mechanisms do you catch yourself using? Have people around you told you that you are defensive?ConflictIf you choose Conflict, what conflict style (or styles) do you use in particular situations? How have people around you described your approach to conflict?
  • What do you need to change about yourself in order to be a more effective communicator?


You should organize the presentation in the following way:

I. Introduction

A .Attention Getter

B. Social Significance

C. Thesis and Preview

II. Body

A. What I learned About Myself

B. Specific Topic and how it applies to me (Listening, Conflict or Defensiveness)

C. What I need to change about myself to be a more effective communicator

III. Conclusion

A .Thesis and Review

B. Brief Summary

C. Tie back to the attention Getter


These are the main goals of this assignment:

  • You will take a more in-depth look at a some communication topics from this class and specifically how they apply to your own life.
  • You will learn something about your strengths and challenges as a communicator, and hopefully make a plan to improve.
  • You will also develop and practice your public speaking skills. Since this course meets the Oral Communication requirement for the California State University System, you are each required to complete at least one assignment that gives you the opportunity to do some public speaking. This presentation gives you that opportunity.

There is a lot of information here. I know it is a lot to digest. Don’t worry, as you
will have several weeks to get the presentation ready.
You are to organize and deliver a 2-4 minute presentation on what you have
learned in this class. You will turn in the presentation in the form of a video. You
are required to present the information in a way that is clear, accurate and
The good news is that you don’t actually have to do any outside research for this
presentation. You will have to look over what you have learned in this class, think
about it, and show that you understand how these topics apply to you.
The presentation should consist of 3 points:

Overall, what did you learn about yourself in this class?
Choose one of the following topics and talk about how it applies to
o Listening
▪ If you choose listening, talk about what your
listening challenges are. For example, do you use
a particular type of nonlistening? Have you had
people close to you tell you you need to work on
your listening skills?
o Defensiveness
▪ If you choose defensiveness, what type of defense
mechanisms do you catch yourself using? Have
people around you told you that you are
o Conflict
▪ If you choose Conflict, what conflict style (or
styles) do you use in particular situations? How
have people around you described your approach
to conflict?
What do you need to change about yourself in order to be a more
effective communicator?
You should organize the presentation in the following way:
I. Introduction
A .Attention Getter
B. Social Significance
C. Thesis and Preview
II. Body
A. What I learned About Myself
B. Specific Topic and how it applies to me (Listening, Conflict or
C. What I need to change about myself to be a more effective communicator
III. Conclusion
A .Thesis and Review
B. Brief Summary
C. Tie back to the attention Getter
These are the main goals of this assignment:

You will take a more in-depth look at a some communication topics
from this class and specifically how they apply to your own life.
You will learn something about your strengths and challenges as a
communicator, and hopefully make a plan to improve.
You will also develop and practice your public speaking skills. Since this
course meets the Oral Communication requirement for the California
State University System, you are each required to complete at least one
assignment that gives you the opportunity to do some public speaking.
This presentation gives you that opportunity.
Discussion #12 Conflict Style Assessment
My test result shows that I am an 82% Problem Solver, 64% Compromiser,
43%Accommodator, 42%Competer, and 25% Avoider.
Based on my educational and workplace experiences, I am more of a problem
solver. I agreed with the survey results because I like to go over all of the details
of a problem in detail and believe that the solution can be reached through
collaboration among the people involved. Also, I agree with the survey is one of
the Compromise with 64% because I value innovation in resolving conflicts and
being critical to the best solution that can be achieved at hand. In one example, I
tend to have a classmate at work who was voicing her solutions to the group
work however I tend to agree with her. By the way, I naturally tend to ask other
groupmates what they think is best for the group and ask the involved person
what she thinks of my proposed solution. Then, as a group, we agreed on the
best answers to our group work to have the best output, so the 43% for the
Accommodator, I agree with this survey. In addition, I utilized other conflict styles,
such as avoider 25%, where, in a situation when there is already a disagreement
between two people’s solutions, I prefer to give in and stand aside at these
moments, allowing them to manage it so that the group does not get more
divided, or let them handle it so as to not add conflict to the group. In general, in
my life, I choose collaboration over avoidance, with a minor predisposition
towards avoidance. To put it another way, I normally strive to find a win-win
solution to problems, but if that isn’t feasible, I will attempt to avoid the issue
entirely. I understand that we should express our thoughts when they are correct
and appropriate, but there are instances when speaking up will not help us
achieve anything else, and a quiet approach may be preferable. It all comes down
to knowing how to approach a situation, particularly in high-pressure scenarios
where judgments must be made quickly. In some cases, I prefer to reach a
compromise, but as someone who cherishes peace, I am rarely a competitor.
Reply comment
Rachael Pemberton

Hello Sana, I agree with you when you said that there are times where
speaking up will not help us achieve anything else during conflict. I
enjoyed reading your post!

Melissa Corona
Hi Sana,
I enjoyed reading your response. I agree that sometimes speaking up will
not get us the best results.
82%82Problem Solver 82%
Problem Solvers tend to want to discuss all the details of a problem and work through it together
so that everyone gets what he or she wants and is happy in the end. Their strengths are that
they tend to welcome differences, build high-levels of trust and mutual understanding in
relationships. There is also the potential to learn from creative problem solving.
Weaknesses: When time is a factor, it is difficult to spend the energy and time needed to
process the way Problem Solvers tend do. There is also the potential for burnout from overprocessing.
Interpreting your scores
Each conflict style presented here has been scored individually. The percentage identifies how
often you selected the particular style when it was provided as an option in the assessment.
You may look at your scores and wonder how “right” they are. There are no right and wrong
answers in this assessment, as it examines how you handle conflict situations which can vary
greatly. Different contexts call for different approaches, and there is a time and a place to use
each of the conflict styles.
64%Compromiser 64%
Compromisers approach conflict with the goal of compromise. They tend to think about what
they are willing to give up and what they are willing to hold on to, and try to gear communication
to focus on this give and take for all parties. It is a good way to promote cooperation. It can be
done fairly quickly when both parties are engaged.
Interpreting your scores
Each conflict style presented here has been scored individually. The percentage identifies how
often you selected the particular style when it was provided as an option in the assessment.
You may look at your scores and wonder how “right” they are. There are no right and wrong
answers in this assessment, as it examines how you handle conflict situations which can vary
greatly. Different contexts call for different approaches, and there is a time and a place to use
each of the conflict styles.
43%Accommodator 43%
Accommodators have a harmonizing approach to conflict. They often focus on supporting
others in a conflict situation and are adept at placating people in uncomfortable situations.
Accommodators often gain strong appreciation from others involved in a conflict.
Weaknesses: Accommodators may build up resentment from denying their own needs. It also
may be difficult for those who want to get to the root of the problem to work with
Accommodators who tend to focus on making others happy.
Interpreting your scores
Each conflict style presented here has been scored individually. The percentage identifies how
often you selected the particular style when it was provided as an option in the assessment.
You may look at your scores and wonder how “right” they are. There are no right and wrong
answers in this assessment, as it examines how you handle conflict situations which can vary
greatly. Different contexts call for different approaches, and there is a time and a place to use
each of the conflict styles.
Competers are known for being persuasive and direct. They know the result they want in a
conflict situation, and they go for it. Their strengths are that they are often passionate about their
views and dedicated to pursuing their convictions. Competers are good at making quick
decisions, and tend not to waste time, which is especially helpful in the time of crisis.
Weaknesses: Sometimes Competers wind up with unequal relationships with others, and
feelings of others can be hurt or overlooked with their decision-making style.
Interpreting your scores
Each conflict style presented here has been scored individually. The percentage identifies how
often you selected the particular style when it was provided as an option in the assessment.
You may look at your scores and wonder how “right” they are. There are no right and wrong
answers in this assessment, as it examines how you handle conflict situations which can vary
greatly. Different contexts call for different approaches, and there is a time and a place to use
each of the conflict styles.
Avoiders tend to step away from conflict. They often keep their opinions to themselves in conflict
situations so as not to continue or escalate the conflict. They are often admired for having a
calming, quiet presence in the face of crisis.
Weaknesses: Avoiders sometimes keep their feelings bottled up and then aren’t able to meet
their own needs. This can result in a frustrating buildup of emotions.
Interpreting your scores
Each conflict style presented here has been scored individually. The percentage identifies how
often you selected the particular style when it was provided as an option in the assessment.
You may look at your scores and wonder how “right” they are. There are no right and wrong
answers in this assessment, as it examines how you handle conflict situations which can vary
greatly. Different contexts call for different approaches, and there is a time and a place to use
each of the conflict styles.
Congratulations, you’ve completed the Conflict
Styles Assessment
Based on your answers, you can see your result below

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