Howard Community College Cell Phone Usage in Younger Adults and Children Speech

Directions: In order to effectively deliver a persuasive speech, you have to understand who your audience is and their perspectives and knowledge (or lack thereof) regarding your topic. As such, this activity is designed to give you the opportunity to survey a portion of your classmates (who are your audience members) and to use the information they provide to plan your approach toward your speech. Therefore, you are to do the following:

  • After you have had your persuasive speech topic approved, complete the form below and answer the specified questions.
  • Next, create 3 questions that will help you learn more about your audience’s knowledge of your topic and/or their perspective of your topic. You should have at least 2 of your questions be open-ended(questions that require some explanation), and only should have 1 question be close-ended (i.e yes/no questions). For example, if you were giving an actuating speech to encourage your audience to recycle, a close-ended question you could ask is “Do you currently recycle?” or “Do you believe people should be fined if they do not recycle?”Sample open-ended questions you could ask are “Why do you think that most people do not recycle at home?”or “What tools, supplies, information, etc. do you think people need that would make them recycle more?”
  • Survey 5 of your classmates, asking them the 3 questions you have created in the above step, and record their answers
    Objective: Students will be able to construct a message that is appropriate for the audience and setting (CCO – 3)
    Directions: In order to effectively deliver a persuasive speech, you have to understand who your audience is and their
    perspectives and knowledge (or lack thereof) regarding your topic. As such, this activity is designed to give you the
    opportunity to survey a portion of your classmates (who are your audience members) and to use the information they
    provide to plan your approach toward your speech. Therefore, you are to do the following:
    • After you have had your persuasive speech topic approved, complete the form below and answer the
    specified questions.
    • Next, create 3 questions that will help you learn more about your audience’s knowledge of your topic
    and/or their perspective of your topic. You should have at least 2 of your questions be open-ended
    (questions that require some explanation), and only should have 1 question be close-ended (i.e yes/no
    questions). For example, if you were giving an actuating speech to encourage your audience to recycle, a
    close-ended question you could ask is “Do you currently recycle?” or “Do you believe people should be
    fined if they do not recycle?” Sample open-ended questions you could ask are “Why do you think that
    most people do not recycle at home?” or “What tools, supplies, information, etc. do you think people
    need that would make them recycle more?”
    • Survey 5 of your classmates, asking them the 3 questions you have created in the above step, and record
    their answers in the boxes below.
    • After you have received your classmates’ answers, reflect on the information they have provided and
    discuss 4 -6 sentences how their answers will inform how you form your persuasive argument and how
    you will structure your argument to persuade these diverse ideas and perspectives in your speech.
    What is your speech thesis statement:
    Indicate which organizational pattern are you using:
    the motivational sequence
    Analyze your audience. Below you will create 3 questions to learn about your audience’s knowledge and
    attitude towards your topic ideas. You should aim to talk to as many classmates as possible, but are required
    to talk to at least FIVE classmates.
    1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
    2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
    3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
    Question 1 Response
    Question 2 Response
    Question 3 Response
    Now that you have talked to members of your audience, discuss below 3 ways that you incorporate the
    information that you have learned about your audience and their perspectives in your speech. (Consider, for
    example, what facts you may emphasize to make your argument more favorable to your audience. Also
    think about what kinds of examples of pathos you can incorporate that could be persuasive to your audience
    based off of your classmates’ answers.)
    Objective: Students will be able to construct a message that is appropriate for the audience and setting (CCO – 3)
    Directions: In order to effectively deliver a persuasive speech, you have to understand who your audience is and their
    perspectives and knowledge (or lack thereof) regarding your topic. As such, this activity is designed to give you the
    opportunity to survey a portion of your classmates (who are your audience members) and to use the information they
    provide to plan your approach toward your speech. Therefore, you are to do the following:
    • After you have had your persuasive speech topic approved, complete the form below and answer the
    specified questions.
    • Next, create 3 questions that will help you learn more about your audience’s knowledge of your topic
    and/or their perspective of your topic. You should have at least 2 of your questions be open-ended
    (questions that require some explanation), and only should have 1 question be close-ended (i.e yes/no
    questions). For example, if you were giving an actuating speech to encourage your audience to recycle, a
    close-ended question you could ask is “Do you currently recycle?” or “Do you believe people should be
    fined if they do not recycle?” Sample open-ended questions you could ask are “Why do you think that
    most people do not recycle at home?” or “What tools, supplies, information, etc. do you think people
    need that would make them recycle more?”
    • Survey 5 of your classmates, asking them the 3 questions you have created in the above step, and record
    their answers in the boxes below.
    • After you have received your classmates’ answers, reflect on the information they have provided and
    discuss 4 -6 sentences how their answers will inform how you form your persuasive argument and how
    you will structure your argument to persuade these diverse ideas and perspectives in your speech.
    What is your speech thesis statement:
    Indicate which organizational pattern are you using:
    the motivational sequence
    Analyze your audience. Below you will create 3 questions to learn about your audience’s knowledge and
    attitude towards your topic ideas. You should aim to talk to as many classmates as possible, but are required
    to talk to at least FIVE classmates.
    1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
    2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
    3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
    Question 1 Response
    Question 2 Response
    Question 3 Response
    Now that you have talked to members of your audience, discuss below 3 ways that you incorporate the
    information that you have learned about your audience and their perspectives in your speech. (Consider, for
    example, what facts you may emphasize to make your argument more favorable to your audience. Also
    think about what kinds of examples of pathos you can incorporate that could be persuasive to your audience
    based off of your classmates’ answers.)
    Persuasive Speech Outline Instructions
    You are required to create a persuasive speech delivery outline for your final speech.
    This speech is an assessment of the skills that you acquired from all assigned and
    associated public informative speaking content chapters the course textbook, as well as
    from the provided module materials, lectures and other supplemental support. You are
    required to create an outline by desired outcome of either convincing or actuating.
    You are also required to research your speech and locate at least four sources and two
    of the sources must be different from the CCBC Library to integrate into your speech.
    You cannot use Wikipedia,, or E-how. If you decide to use sources from the
    Internet, remember to evaluate your sources.
    Include your name and the organization pattern that you will use at the top of your
    Format: You must have four sections of your outline (Introduction, Body, Conclusion,
    and Bibliography) and each section must have the appropriate heading. This outline
    must be in full sentence format.
    The Introduction and Conclusion must have Roman Numerals next to each of the
    elements in the section. Each element must be on a separate line. The main points in
    the body of the outline must have Roman Numerals, and the supporting details must
    have uppercase letters. The supporting details and sub-supporting details must be
    Arabic numbers and lowercase letters. You can review the sample outlines in the
    Learning Module Two content and associate chapter of your required course textbook.
    Just remember that you have to adjust your outline to this assignment.
    Nonverbal behavior: Indicate nonverbal signals throughout your outline.
    Introduction: You must have the following elements in the Introduction. First, attention
    getter/grabber, second: credibility, third: thesis, and last: proposition. Each element
    must be separate and have a Roman numeral next to it.
    Body: You can only use one organization pattern to organize your main points and
    your main points must be parallel. You must have between two to three main points
    that are subdivided. Each main point should have at minimum two supporting points
    and at maximum five supporting points. You must consistently separate all points
    (main, supporting, sub-supporting, etc.) by using the appropriate Roman Numerals,
    uppercase letters, Arabic numbers, and lowercase letters. All supporting points and subsupporting points must be indented appropriately.
    All transitions, internal summaries, or reviews and signposts must be in either brackets
    or parentheses. (If you use material or information from another source, please do not
    forget to cite your source.)
    Conclusion: You must have the following elements in your conclusion. First, restate
    the proposition, then write the appeal, challenge and/or action and last include thank
    you. Again, all elements must be separate and have a Roman numeral next to it.
    Brenner, Joel. The Emperors of Chocolate: Inside the Secret World of Hershey and Mars.
    New York, NY:
    Broadway Books. 2000. Print.
    Citation: You must use MLA 8 citation style for the bibliography. However, you should
    integrate your citations within the other sections of your outline. Remember, if you cite a
    source within the introduction, body, or conclusion it must appear on your bibliography
    page. If you have sources on your bibliography page, then they must appear in either
    the introduction, body, or conclusion.

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