HRMN 395-Week 2: Core Elements of Monetary Rewards & Core Elements of Non-monetary Rewards and Work Experience



– Please use APA (7th edition) formatting

– All questions and each part of the question should be answered in detail (Go into depth)

– Response to questions must demonstrate understanding and application of concepts covered in class

– Responses MUST be organized (Should be logical and easy to follow)

– Use in-text citations and resources per discussion from the school materials

The use of course materials to support ideas is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED


“Need at minimum 3 pages”

Read Chapter 2 & Module 2 for discussions 1 & 2

Discussion #1

What is the difference between base pay and variable pay? Give examples from your own organization. Use at least one resource from the course readings.

Discussion #2

What are three top elements to consider when setting compensation and why? Support your answer with the literature. Use a minimum of one reference from course materials.

Read Chapter 8 & Modules 3 for discussions 3 & 4

Discussion #3

Select the three benefits that you believe to be most important. Explain why you think they are important. Use at least two resources from the class.

Discussion #4  

Select one benefit and compliance issue identified in Module 3 and share why you feel it is a potentially risky one of which all organizations need to be aware. Use a minimum of one reference from the class materials.


· FYI, You can use WesBanco as my employer/organization, Or you can use any org that you feel comfortable with.

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