HRMN 406: The Learning Culture and Training Models & Methodology



– Please use APA (7th edition) formatting

– All questions and each part of the question should be answered in detail (Go into depth)

– Response to questions must demonstrate understanding and application of concepts covered in class

– Responses MUST be organized (Should be logical and easy to follow)

– Use in-text citations and resources per discussion from the school materials

The use of course materials to support ideas is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED


“Need at minimum 3 full pages”

Read Chapter 3 and 7 for discussions 1 and 2

Discussion #1: Designing Training to Motivate Learning

How can training be designed to motivate learning and accommodate trainee differences? Consider learning styles, adult learning theories, and motivation. Use at least two resources from the class.

Discussion #2: Your Motivation to Participate in Training

What is your motivation for participating in training and applying training to your job and future development? As you develop your answer, consider need-based theories, process-based theories, and intrinsic vs. extrinsic factors. Be sure to use at least one resources from the class

Read Chapter 4 and 6 for discussions 3 & 4

Discussion #3: Models of Design Comparing with the ADDIE Model

Compare and contrast the ADDIE Model with another instructional design model (such as Dick & Carey or Kemp – or another model that you have researched). What are the strengths and weaknesses of these two different models? Having reviewed the training models and methodologies from this week’s reading list, which approach would you be inclined to use or suggest for designing and developing training? Provide your rationale. Be sure to use at least two resources from the class. Respond to one colleague.


· FYI, as you may remember, WesBanco is my employer/organization.

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