LCCC The Communications and The Information Misinterpretation Discussion

The option is to is to construct a 5-paragrpah essay in which the student should present a process and explain how to complete that process.

This should be a direction process that tells the reader the specific process as part of thesis statement (placed in the introduction).

The student should choose three steps which will be presented in the body paragraphs. An appropriate conclusion that includes a takeaway for the reader should also be provided.

  • The first paragraph: what purpose and audience is your focus for this scenario? What considerations in terms of tone and structure should you consider when planning this content?
  • The second paragraph: How will you use the writing process to succeed in this scenario? (You do not need every aspect of the writing process, so please discuss your personal writing process.)
  • The third paragraph: What concerns you might have about your own ability to respond in this given scenarios 


    While reading the newspaper, you find an article that misrepresents the industry in which you work. You decide to write a letter to the editor requesting they correct their mistake.

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