LWC Organizational Behavior New Management Challenges Discussion


  • How has the current cultural environment of our country shaped the way that companies are looking at their own corporate cultural standards?
  • What are the potential downfalls and positive influences of the “Netflix way”?
  • How does Netflix’s internal culture negatively or positively affect their ability to stay competitive and deliver cutting-edge content?
  • Organizational Behavior
    PowerPoint Image Slideshow
    Learning Outcomes
    After reading this chapter, you should be able to answer these
    1. How do managers and organizations appropriately select individuals
    for particular jobs?
    2. How do people with different abilities, skills, and personalities build
    effective work teams?
    3. How do managers and employees deal effectively with individual
    differences in the workplace?
    4. How can organizations foster a work environment that allows
    employees an opportunity to develop and grow?
    5. How do managers know how to get the best from each employee?
    6. What is the role of ethical behavior in managerial actions?
    7. How do you manage and do business with people from different
    Exhibit 2.2 Relation of Personality to Attitudes and Behavior
    (Attribution: Copyright Rice University, OpenStax, under CC-BY 4.0 license)
    1. How do managers and organizations
    appropriately select individuals for particular
    1. What are the various abilities and skills
    that should be considered when hiring
    2. How should the personality differences
    and work values be taken into account
    when selecting employees?
    3. What is the role of cultural diversity in
    selecting employees
    Table 2.1 Dimensions of Mental Abilities
    Table 2.2 Dimensions of Physical Abilities
    Exhibit 2-3 Basic Conflict Between Employees and Organizations
    (Attribution: Copyright Rice University, OpenStax, under CC-BY 4.0 license)
    Exhibit 2.4 Relationship of Culture to Values, Attitudes and
    (Attribution: Copyright Rice University, OpenStax, under CC-BY 4.0 license)
    Exhibit 2.5 Appropriate Managerial Behavior in Different
    (Attribution: Copyright Rice University, OpenStax, under CC-BY 4.0 license)
    2. How do people with different abilities, skills, and
    personalities build effective work teams?
    1. Why should abilities and skills be taken
    into account when selecting
    2. Describe the components of mental
    abilities, cognitive complexity, physical
    ability, and psychomotor abilities.
    Before You Decide: 3 Steps to Better Decision Making
    Section 2.2 provides an outline of
    several high-level aspects connected to
    making decisions, including the timing
    to a decision and even whether or not
    a decision must be made or not. This
    video should add to this framework by
    providing a good explanation of some
    additional key concepts to help set the
    stage for the remaining content in this
    chapter. To start, think about the first
    suggestion that presenter Matthew
    Confer makes to consider the
    constraints that might be assumed to
    exist in any decision scenario. Did his
    $5 envelope example make sense to
    Before You Decide: 3 Steps to
    Better Decision Making
    1. Often sports teams carry out what is called a port-mortem (literally after
    death) review of a completed game by watching tapes and critiquing
    their performance. How is this different to the Pre-Mortem decision
    tactic suggested by Confer?
    2. What about the idea to “check the basics”; what exactly did Confer mean
    by that?
    3. Were there any other take-aways of value that you learned from this
    video presentation?
    Exhibit 2.7 Cultural Differences among Managers in Four
    (Attribution: Copyright Rice University, OpenStax, under CC-BY 4.0 license)
    3. How do managers and employees deal effectively
    with individual differences in the workplace?
    1. What is the role of personality and
    personality development in the
    4. How can organizations foster a work
    environment that allows employees an
    opportunity to develop and grow?
    1. What are the things that managers can
    do to foster an environment where
    employees can gain personal
    development and grow?
    The 4 Personality Types
    Patrick Bet-David
    outlines his “STAR”
    approach to
    personalities; they
    are S – Stability T Technical A Action R Relationship.
    The 4 Personality Types
    1. How does the video and the approach in Section 2.4 in the text agree
    and diverge?
    5. How do managers know how to get the best
    from each employee?
    1. What are some things that managers
    can do to foster organizational
    harmony where they get the best
    results from all employees?
    Table 2.3 Average Hours Worked and Vacation Time Taken
    per Worker
    6. What is the role of ethical behavior in managerial
    1. What role do managers undertake to ensure
    an environment where ethics and values are
    Why We Need Core Values
    What are your core values and
    are you using them to improve
    the quality of your life and your
    work? Part of discovering what
    values exist at your core is looking
    back at the failures and triumphs
    of life to improve and ensure a
    successful future.
    Why We Need Core Values
    1. How are core values relating to James Franklin’s football team applicable
    to business organizations?
    2. What are the differences in the football team and a business
    Code of Ethics
    Watch both interviews on the next slide where members of the American
    Association of Professional Landmen explain their Code of Ethics and
    Standards of Practice, and the CFP (Certified Financial Planner) Board’s CEO
    Kevin Keller and General Counsel Leo Rydzewski discuss details and insights
    on their new (as of 2018) Code of Ethics and Standards of Conduct.
    As Exhibit 2.6 illustrates, culture plays an important integrating role in
    organizations both externally and internally. Strategy, structure, people,
    and systems all are affected by an organization’s culture. Some companies
    have their codes of ethics framed and hung on office walls, included as a
    key component of employee handbooks, and/or posted on their corporate
    Code of Ethics
    Code of Ethics
    1. After watching the interviews and reviewing the codes from other
    organizations, do you think that formal codes and standards make
    employees behave in a more ethical manner?
    2. Some people believe that formal codes do help influence better
    behavior, but that others think that they are little more than public
    relations gimmicks. If senior management abides by the code of ethics
    and regularly emphasizes the code to employees, do you think this will
    likely have a positive influence on behavior?
    3. Do you believe that formal codes of ethics are effective tools to influence
    an organization’s culture to be more ethical and transparent overall?
    7. How do you manage and do business with
    people from different cultures?
    1. What role do managers play to ensure
    that the culture of individuals are
    valued and appreciated and contribute
    to a successful work environment?
    This OpenStax ancillary resource is © Rice University under a CC-BY 4.0 International license; it may be reproduced or modified but must be attributed to OpenStax, Rice University
    and any changes must be noted.
    New Management Challenges for the New Age
    Today’s news is littered with scandals, new allegations of sexual assault, and
    tragedy. Since 2017 and the #metoo movement, stemming from the Harvey
    Weinstein scandal, more and more public figures have been put into the spotlight to
    defend themselves against allegations from women around the globe.
    Not only publicly, but privately in companies around the world, there have been
    firings and investigations into misconduct from coworkers, managers, and CEOs. It
    is a relevant topic that is getting long-overdue publicity and encouraging more men
    and women to come forward to discuss openly rather than hide the events and
    injustices of the past. Other events showcase the tumultuous and on-edge society we
    are living in, such as the Charlottesville, VA, attack that left one dead and 19 injured
    when a person drove a car through a crowd of protestors during a white nationalist
    With unanticipated events on a daily business, it is important for companies to take
    a stand against racial hatred and harassment of any kind, and to have firm policies
    when such events occur. Take Netflix, for example, who in July 2018 fired their
    chief communications officer for saying the “N-word” in full form. This event
    occurred during an internal meeting in which the speaker was not directing the slur
    at anyone specific, but claimed it was being made as an emphatic point about
    offensive words in comedy programming. The “Netflix way,” the culture that is built
    around radical candor and transparency, was put to the test during this occurrence.
    The offender, Jonathan Friedland, attempted to apologize for his misdeed, hoping it
    would fade away and his apology would be accepted. However, it didn’t work that
    way; instead, the anger was palpable between coworkers and eventually led to the
    firing of Friedland after a few months of inaction.
    Netflixers are given a high level of freedom and responsibility within their “Netflix
    way” culture. Blunt feedback is encouraged, and trust and discretion are the ultimate
    gatekeeper, as employees have access to sensitive information and are ultimately
    trusted for how they expense items and take vacation time.
    In the insanely fast-paced streaming-services industry, it is hard to keep this culture
    at a premium, but it is imperative for the success of the company overall. “As you
    scale a company to become bigger and bigger, how do you scale that kind of
    culture?” said Colin Estep, a former senior engineer who left voluntarily in 2016. “I
    don’t know that we ever had a good answer.”
    In order to keep up, sometimes the company is seen as harsh in their tactics to keep
    the best of the best. “I think we’re transparent to a fault in our culture and that can
    come across as cutthroat,” said Walta Nemariam, an employee in talent acquisition
    at Netflix.
    Netflix has stayed true to their cultural values despite the pressures and sometimes
    negative connotations associated with this “cutthroat” environment. Their ability to
    remain agile, while displaying no tolerance for societal injustices, puts them at the
    forefront of new-age companies. It is a difficult pace to stay in line with, but it seems
    that they are keeping in stride and remaining true to who they are, for now.

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