MAT 152 Stanly Community College Chapter 5 SCC Class Sample Data Questions

MAT 152(Sections 5.1 – 5.4)
Chapter 5 Lab B
Please print and complete this lab. Once you have completed the lab, please answer the corresponding questions in
Canvas in the “Chapter 5 Lab Answer Entry Sheet” located in Chapter 5. You must complete the “Answer Entry Sheet”
in order to receive a grade for this assignment, otherwise your grade will be 0.
Based on the SCC data set you chose; you will Do one of the following,
• the page of Female Data Questions to go with the SCC female sample data set
• the page of Male Data Questions to go with the SCC male sample data set
Given: Heights of men and women in the U.S. are normally distributed.
Recent information shows the following
• Adult men heights:
µ = 69.6 inches with σ = 3 inches.
• Adult women heights: µ = 64.1 inches with σ = 2.7 inches.
Use the above information to answer all questions (except those marked with an asterisk *).
Use our SCC class sample data to answer questions marked with an asterisk *(1b and 2b).
Probabilities should be stated to 4 decimal places. Please do NOT convert probabilities to %. Zscores and x-values should be given to 2 decimal places.
Female Data Questions
1. (a) If a woman is selected at random from the U.S. population, what is the probability that she is taller than 68
*(b) What % (probability) of women in our SCC data are taller than 68 inches? (give answer in decimal format
rounded to 4 places)
2. (a) If a woman is selected at random from the U.S. population, what is the probability that she is between 61
and 69 inches tall, inclusive?
*(b) What % (probability) of women in our SCC data are between 61 and 69 inches, inclusive? (give answer in
decimal format rounded to 4 places) (Note: include 61” and 69”).
3. What percent of women in the U.S. are shorter than 5 ft 1 in?
4. What percent of women in the U.S. are taller than 5 ft 10 in?
5. (a) What percent of women are shorter than 64 inches?
(b) In a group of 250 U.S. women, approximately how many women would be shorter than 64 inches? (give a
whole number answer)
6. Find the female height of the U.S. population that represents the 72nd percentile.
7. Find the cutoff height to be in the top 10% of female heights in the U.S.
8. The middle 75% of U.S. women will be between ______ inches and ______ inches tall.
9. Recall from Chapter 2 that values outside of 2 standard deviations are considered to be unusual. A woman in
the U.S. shorter than ______ inches would be considered “unusually short”.
10. Suppose a sample of 45 females was randomly selected from the U. S. population.
a. Use the Central Limit Theorem to find ??̅
b. Use the Central Limit Theorem to find ??̅ (3 decimal places)
c. Find P(?̅ >65 inches).
Male Data Questions
1. (a) If a man is selected at random from the U.S. population, what is the probability that he is shorter than 70
*(b) What % (probability) of men in our SCC data are 70 in. or shorter? (give answer in decimal format rounded to
4 places)
2. (a) If a man is selected at random from the U.S. population, what is the probability that he is between 65 and 72
inches tall?
*(b) What % (probability) of men in our SCC data are between 65 and 72 inches, inclusive? (Note: include 65” and
72”). (give answer in decimal format rounded to 4 places)
3. Find the probability that a male in the U.S. is shorter than 5 ft 3 in.
4. Find the probability that a male in the U.S. is taller than 6 ft 3 in.
5. (a) Find the probability that a male in the U.S. is taller than 69 inches.
(b) In a group of 420 males, approximately how many would be taller than 69 inches?
6. Find the male height that represents the 72nd percentile.
7. Find the cutoff height to be in the top 10% of male heights.
8. The middle 75% of men are between___________ inches and _________ inches tall.
9. Recall from Chapter 2 that values outside of 2 standard deviations are considered to be unusual. In the U.S.,
males taller than _____ inches would be considered “unusually tall”?
10. Suppose a sample of 42 males was randomly selected from the U. S. population.
a. Use the Central Limit Theorem to find ??̅
b. Use the Central Limit Theorem to find ??̅ (3 decimal places)
c. Find P(?̅ >70)

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