MFT 615 ASPP Communication Development in Early Infancy Discussion

These are two different questions and should be answered separately with a minimum of 200 words each. Please include 1 in text cite.

1)Discuss three areas of emotional development that you learned from this book chapter. Why are these areas important to your work with adults?

2)Self-regulation of an individual is learned through the mutual regulation/co-construction between the mother and child. This article gives us a view of interaction patterns (communication between mother and child) that may affect the infant’s interactions in future relationships. Describe three points of significance that you learned in this article and why are these points important in your work as a therapist?

Reading for questions below

TD1: Buckley, B., & Buckley, B. (2003). Children’s Communication Skills : From Birth to Five Years. Florence, US: Routledge. Retrieved from Ebook Central in the Touro library. (From Chapter 1

TD 2: Beebe, B., & Steele, M. (2013). How does microanalysis of mother-infant communication inform maternal sensitivity and infant attachment? Attachment and Human Development, 15(5/6), 583-602. doi:10.1080/14616734.2013.841050. Retrieved from Google Scholar:

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