Networking Assignment

Networking Activity
In this course your will be asked to expand your circle of contacts by completing a
networking assignment. We strongly encourage you to start early and think about
how you will do this. Your discussion of this activity will occur in Unit 9 but 9
weeks goes by quickly! So start thinking about it now.
What you need to know is that the most productive relationships occur among people in the
same field. Networking is nothing more than talking with and meeting other people. You do
this every day. Networking is about helping each other, giving and getting advice, and
building relationships. It is about helping others and others helping you.
Networking is simple! One form of networking is just contacting people you know. If you do
not know anyone, as is often the case, then you can attend events and participate in
So how do you meet these people?
One way to meet people is through trade associations. Practically every trade group has a
local or state chapter, and they usually hold regular events, both locally and nationally.
Also, if you think you are not ready for a membership quite yet, you should change your
mind quickly! As a student most of these trade groups give significant discounts for joining
as a member while still a student and when you attend member events, you receive
attention and receive resources that could easily land you in a desirable job!
For this assignment you are tasked with finding an association or trade group that you
would like to join. Below are a couple of links to help you to find groups in the area of
finance or other networking groups. These sites offer many career groups to consider. If
none of these trade fields appeal to you as a career choice, you can Google something that
is more in your area of interest.
Another Website that will help you with more information on this topic is the Work Bloom
Your task for this assignment is to join a trade group or association in your area of interest
and to attend an event of your choice. If you do not want to actually join an association
then you can attend some other local event (i.e. or a Chamber of
Commerce meeting, etc.)
By the end of Unit 9 compile information about your networking experience. This needs to
 The association you joined or the type of event that you chose as an alternative
 Information about the event that you attended
o Something that shows when and where the event took place
 Information about who you met by providing one of the following for each person
you made contact with
o A written paragraph about the people whom you met
o A copy of the business cards (at least four) of the people you met and a
sentence about each person.
 Write a short critique of how you did.
This may be the most important assignment you ever do

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