Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College Identifying Milestones and Behavior Patterns Essay

Identifying Milestones and Behavior Patterns

Part 1: Milestones Graphic

➢ Compose an introductory paragraph for the chart.

➢ Create the chart in a Word or text document. Use graphic elements of your choice.

In the chart, identify milestones and typical patterns of behavior for eachdevelopmental domain based on the specified theoretical foundation. ➢ Include major theorists and a summary of their research or theory for specific agegroups

Part 2: Comparing and Contrasting Theories

➢ In addition to the chart, develop a 10-slide presentation to compare the maintheories used in the assignment. Create a title slide and a reference slide in APA(6th edition) format.

➢ Address the similarities and differences between each theory in the presentation.

➢ Use at least 3 additional resources to support the comparisons made in thepaper. ➢ Support your answers using appropriate professional resources cited in APA (6thedition) format. Directions:
1) Save and print the Module 2 Application PDF.
2) Create a Word or text document for your response.
3) Follow the directions to complete the assignment:
Part 1: Milestones Graphic
➢ Compose an introductory paragraph for the chart.
➢ Create the chart in a Word or text document. Use graphic elements of your choice.
➢ In the chart, identify milestones and typical patterns of behavior for each
developmental domain based on the specified theoretical foundation.

➢ Include major theorists and a summary of their research or theory for specific age

For example, from a Maturationist’s perspective, children’s environments should be adapted to
their genetically determined needs and characteristics. Gesell, who was a maturationist, taught
that growth follows a fixed sequence determined primarily by intrinsic factors. There is a
particular age for learning specific cognitive, social and emotional skills. To support his findings,
he cited results from systematic observations of children that he conducted when they were at
different ages. For the maturation column, you can start by using Gesell. However, you need to
complete each column. You might find there is enough information in the readings and
presentations to complete the columns, or you may need to conduct a bit of your own research.
For example, in the physical domain, consider these questions:
• What does the maturational theory believe that children of a certain age do?
• Who is credited for this theory?
• How does a baby develop? Discuss the cephalocaudal (head-to-foot) trend. At what
age/stage of life does the baby develop these physical traits?
In the cognitive domain, consider these questions:
• How do Maturationists think that children learn?
• How does the brain develop?
• How does language develop?
• Are there typical stages that children go through as they acquire cognitive skills?
In the social domain, consider the following:
• How do children form social relationships?
• Are there any stages that children go through when developing trusting
relationships with others?
In the emotional domain, consider the following:
• How do you think the maturationist view emotional development in children?
Complete all columns in the chart (for the maturation, constructivist, and behaviorist theorists).
Watson, Skinner, Pavlov, and Bandura are a few behaviorists that you may want to consider,
but you are not limited to them.
As you complete the columns, identify the milestones/typical behavior patterns that occur at
each stage of development. Associate the theorists with each column and provide the specific
age group when these characteristics are likely to occur.
Part of the challenge of this activity is to demonstrate how you can succinctly condense a large
amount of information into a chart. Therefore, select only the most important and relevant
elements for each cell.
Part 2: Comparing and Contrasting Theories
➢ In addition to the chart, develop a 10-slide presentation to compare the main
theories used in the assignment. Create a title slide and a reference slide in APA
(6th edition) format.
➢ Address the similarities and differences between each theory in the presentation.
➢ Use at least 3 additional resources to support the comparisons made in the
➢ Support your answers using appropriate professional resources cited in APA (6th
edition) format.
© 2018 American College of Education

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