NURS 300B SMSU Describe Yourself on The Continuum of Professional Behavior Questions

Students may choose to respond to one of the questions below:

Question 1.

  • Describe a collaborative experience you have had with another health care professional.
  • What are the differences and similarities between the nursing professional and the other health care professional?
  • What factors differentiated the collaborative experience between cooperation and compromise?
  • Which factors created successful, or unsuccessful, communication during the collaborative experience?
  • Describe how collaboration can lead to patient centered care?
    • Describe the negative results of boundary crossings in the nurse-patient relationship.
    • What unique boundary issues may arise for a nurse living in a small community?
    • Where would you describe yourself on the Continuum of Professional Behavior (found at

Question 2.

Describe the negative results of boundary crossings in the nurse-patient relationship.

  • What unique boundary issues may arise for a nurse living in a small community?
  • Where would you describe yourself on the Continuum of Professional Behavior (found at SMSU Department Of Nursing
    NURS 300
    Module 8
    Communication and Collaboration in Professional Nursing
    Description of Module: This module will provide the student with an opportunity to appraise
    the roles of professional nurses, including principles of interprofessional collaboration and
    professional boundaries.
    Module Objectives:
    1. Explore the concept of professional boundaries, including use of social media
    2. Explain the legal responsibility of nurses to enforce professional boundaries, including
    the use of social media
    3. Discuss factors creating successful or unsuccessful communication
    4. Identify key aspects of collaboration
    5. Discuss interprofessional collaborative practices with principles of interpersonal
    interactions and communications
    6. Discuss trends of patient-centered care
    Essentials: I, II, VI, VIII, & IX
    QSEN Competencies: Patient Centered Care & Teamwork and Collaboration
    Benbow, D. (2013). Professional boundaries: When does the nurse-patient relationship end?
    Missouri State Board of Nursing Newsletter, 15(3), 21-22. (find in SMSU McFarland
    Library in CINAHL Complete as a periodical)
    Black, B. P. (2020). Professional nursing: Concepts, and challenges (9th ed.). St Louis,
    MO: Elsevier.
    Chapter 12: Communication and Collaboration in Professional Nursing
    MacMillan, K. M. (2012). The challenge of achieving interprofessional collaboration:
    Should we blame Nightingale? Journal of Interprofessional Care, 26(5), 410-415.
    Mendes, A. (2017). Nursing care and maintaining professional boundaries. British Journal of
    Community Nursing, 22(8), 407–408.
    National Council of State Boards of Nursing (2014). A nurse’s guide to professional
    boundaries. Retrieved from
    National Council of State Boards of Nursing (2015). A nurse’s guide to the use of social media.
    Retrieved from
    National Council of State Boards of Nursing (2014). White page: A nurse’s guide to the use
    of social media. Retrieved from
    Winters, C. A. (2013). Rural nursing: Concepts, theory, and practice (4th ed.). New York,
    NY: Springer Publishing Company (available free through the SMSU McFarland Library
    Read Chapter 28: Implications for Education, Practice, and Policy
    National Council of State Boards of Nursing (2014). Professional boundaries in nursing.
    Retrieved from
    National Council of State Boards of Nursing (2014). Social media guidelines for nursing.
    Retrieved from
    Final Deliverable Standards of Practice Review Session Video – available in Module 8 content
    American Nurses Association. (2015). Nursing: Scope and standards of practice (3rd ed.). Silver
    Spring, MD: American Nurses Association (available free through the SMSU McFarland
    Library e-books:
    American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American
    Psychological Association (7th ed.). Washington, DC: APA.
    Guide for Permalinks usage found in NURS 300 Modules 5 & 8 Content areas
    Optional Readings
    Brous, E., & Olsen, D. P. (2017). Lessons learned from litigation: Legal and ethical
    consequences of social media. American Journal of Nursing, 117(9), 50-54. (This is an
    excellent article. It is not available in our library, but the student can request via
    interlibrary loan – is worth the effort to request it.)
    1) Utilize Readings/Resources
    2) Discussion 3 (10 points)
    a. Post a response to one of the questions listed below. Be sure to follow the discussion
    rubric guidelines found in the NURS 300 syllabus, Appendix B. I will also provide the
    rubric below. Please note the due dates for postings on the NURS 300 calendar. It is
    important to know that as the faculty member, I am sensitive to our student’s busy
    schedules with family, work, and school. There are due dates for postings, created to allow
    productive discussions between students in this course. If students ever feel that meeting
    a due date creates a significant challenge for them, please let the faculty member know and
    we will discuss an alternative plan. If students do not contact the faculty member ahead of
    the due date to arrange alternative plans, the grading criteria for late submissions will be
    b. After the student completes their initial posting, and has responded to at least two other
    students, the student will self-grade their discussion using the discussion quiz, located
    within NURS 300 Module 8 content area. The student’s self grade will be reviewed by the
    course instructor for accuracy, and adjusted as needed.
    Students may choose to respond to one of the questions below:
    Question 1.

    Describe a collaborative experience you have had with another health care
    What are the differences and similarities between the nursing professional and the
    other health care professional?
    What factors differentiated the collaborative experience between cooperation and
    Which factors created successful, or unsuccessful, communication during the
    collaborative experience?
    Describe how collaboration can lead to patient centered care?
    Question 2.

    Describe the negative results of boundary crossings in the nurse-patient relationship.
    What unique boundary issues may arise for a nurse living in a small community?
    Where would you describe yourself on the Continuum of Professional Behavior (found
    3) Standards of Practice Review Session Video
    I would like to encourage students to look ahead to your Standards of Professional Nursing
    Practice PowerPoint Presentation assignment, due at the end of the semester.
    There is a Standards of Practice Review Session Video is available for students under the
    NURS 300 Module 8 content area. The grading rubric for this assignment is in the NURS 300
    syllabus, Appendix E.
    Beyond that, these resources are also available in the Standards of Professional Nursing
    Practice Resource Module along with many other resources. So please also go to the
    Standards of Professional Nursing Practice Resource Module which is located in the NURS
    300 table of contents between Modules 13 and 14.
    As noted in previous modules, students may choose to collaborate as teams for this
    assignment. This is the last week to for teams as noted below in bullet point #4. If you
    choose to collaborate in teams, and as those students start to communicate with their team
    members regarding articles/resources for their presentations, please remember to use
    permalinks to share articles. There is a link for about Permalinks in the Module 8 content
    area of this course.
    Lastly, I am providing you with a sign-up sheet in OneDrive for you. You, or your team, will
    sign up for a topic for the upcoming Standards of Professional Nursing Practice Assignment.
    I will place a link to sign up in Module 8 and in the Standards of Professional Nursing
    Practice Resources Module as well. Please choose a topic that no one else has chosen. The
    resource this week – the American Nurses Association Scope and Standards of Practice –
    will be helpful in choosing a topic.
    Please check the NURS 300 calendar for the due date to sign up for a topic for your
    Standards of Professional Nursing Practice presentation. After the due date, I’ll assign you a
    topic for your presentation.
    Again – Upcoming Standards of Professional Nursing Practice Assignment –
    Opportunity to Collaborate in Teams for this assignment at the end of the semester.
    I will make note of this one more time this week. This will be the last week that students will
    have the option to determine if they plan to work alone or collaborate as teams for the
    Standards of Professional Nursing Practice Assignment that will be due Week 14 in NURS 300. If
    students would like to collaborate together as a team for this assignment, they need to have
    their teams created by the end of this week.
    To learn more about this assignment, and the opportunity to collaborate as teams, please see
    the Standards of Professional Nursing Practice Resource Module provided in the NURS 300
    table of contents (between Module 13 and Module 14).
    Here is information regarding how to do so.
    1) Create a team of no more than 5 students (2-5 students).
    2) Let faculty member know the members of the team prior to the end of Week 8.
    3) View the Mustang Nursing Learning Team Compact Review Video found in the
    Standards of Professional Nursing Practice Resource Module provided in the
    NURS 300 table of contents (between Module 13 and Module 14).
    4) The teams must complete a Mustang Nursing Learning Team Compact form and
    provide the faculty member with this form by the end of Week 8 (for
    convenience, the Mustang Nursing Learning Team Compact form and
    assignment dropbox will be available in the NURS 300 modules each week
    through Module 8).
    5) These teams will not be changed following submission of team members and the
    Mustang Nursing Learning Team Compact.
    6) Each member of the team will complete a Mustang Nursing Learning Team
    Evaluation form upon completion and submission of the Standards of
    Professional Nursing Practice Assignment during Week 14. No grade will be
    granted until all members of the team have submitted the Mustang Nursing
    Learning Team Evaluation.
    Updated 6-24-20
    Discussion Evaluation Rubric
    Please note: Initial assigned discussion posts are due by 11:59 PM on Thursday of the assignment week
    and a response to at least two other people is due by 11:59 PM on the following Sunday. Any discussion
    posts after the 11:59 PM deadline on Sunday will be given zero credit. It is expected that students
    actively participate in the discussion forums. Each student is expected to contribute one initial
    discussion posting for each assigned discussion question, read all student’s initial discussion posts, and
    contribute participation discussion responses to at least two other student’s posts.
    Students self-grade their discussion assignment by the following Thursday at 11:59 PM under the
    Assessment/Quiz section in the NURS 300 course-room.
    The faculty member will review the student’s self-grades for accuracy and reserves the right to adjust
    any grades.
    Read the entire rubric below – this will guide your discussion grade.
    10 points are possible for each discussion and will be assigned as follows:
    Rating Points
    Mechanics of Posting
    Complete sentences, well organized, grammatically correct and free of spelling errors (have used spell
    check to help ensure this)
    Complete sentences, well organized, but some (2 or less per paragraph) grammar and/or spelling errors
    Complete sentences, comprehensible, organization could be improved to present a more coherent
    argument or statement, has three or more grammar and/or spelling errors per paragraph
    Poor sentence structure inadequate organization, several grammar and/or spelling errors; run-on
    Initial discussion posting not completed by Sunday night
    Participation in Discussion
    Rating Points
    Makes postings on at least two different days (Thursday initial post due by 11:59PM, response to two
    peer postings are due by Sunday at 11:59PM). Responds to at least 2 peers’ postings.
    Late first post and/or posts everything 1 day only. Responds to at least 2 peers’ postings
    Responds to only 1 peer’s posting
    Does not reply to or provides minimal comments and information to other participants.
    Initial discussion posting not completed by Sunday night
    Content of Initial Posting
    Rating Points
    Rating Points
    In replies to peer’s postings, offered a critical analysis of an existing posted idea or introduced a
    different interpretation to an existing idea. Critical analysis must be substantial, including support by a
    valid resource/reference, and may include a story about a related experience, a probing question, or
    Agreed or disagreed with existing discussion and provided limited justification/explanation
    Agreed or disagreed with existing discussion but provided no justification/explanation or support
    Rating Points
    Initial posting thoroughly addresses all parts of the discussion, is clearly and concisely stated, and
    demonstrates that the content was appropriately reviewed, understood, and synthesized. At least two
    references are presented for student’s initial posting.
    Posting includes a question related to the topic to stimulate further discussion. Posts by 11:59PM
    Initial posting addresses most, but not all, of the discussion. Comments are reasonably organized and
    demonstrate adequate familiarity and analysis of the content and posts by 11:59PM Thursday
    Initial posting shows limited knowledge and evaluation of the topic or limited to information that could
    be derived from prior posts and/or late initial post
    Message was unrelated to discussion.
    Initial discussion posting not completed by Sunday night
    Critical Thinking Evidenced by Replies to Peer’s Postings
    Provided no evidence of agreement or disagreement with existing discussion.
    Initial discussion posting not completed by Sunday night
    APA Format
    Provides evidence-based, scholarly resources to support one’s position on the posed topic or idea;
    References for initial posting are correctly & accurately presented in APA format — uses in-text
    referencing within the posting
    Provides evidence-based, scholarly resources, but uses incorrect APA Format for in-text referencing
    Provides evidence-based, scholarly references and incorrect APA Format OR provides non-scholarly
    references with correct APA Format in-text
    Provides no scholarly reference to support position/ideas in postings/discussion AND/OR uses no APA
    Initial discussion posting not completed by Sunday night
    Rubric authored by Laura M. Schwarz, adapted by Nancyruth Leibold, further adapted by Laurie
    Johansen/Nancyruth Leibold, and further adapted by Laurie Johansen
    Updated 6-10-20

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