Oxford Brookes University Community Health Nursing Essay

  • Select your site for the community education project.
  • Write a short 250-300 word APA formatted paper (include title page, introduction, headings for the body, and conclusion) on: First discuss what your topic is and why you choose that topic related to your community needs. Second discuss why you selected the specific site for your presentation related to your topic and community needs and note where and when (place, date) your presentation will take place. (If you are still working on solidifying the site, discuss your options and what your plans are to get this solidified to be a good fit for your topic and community needs) In this course, in every module assignment or discussion, due to the nature of the assignments, you are permitted to use the first person, such as I, We, Me, Us, etc.
  • you will be conducting an educational presentation in the community. In this first module you will determine your site for the presentation. PLEASE NOTE: The site must be in community. Your presentation cannot be delivered to healthcare professionals or in the hospital setting or during your personal work hours.
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