The paper will require a detailed discussion of the sources of the pollutant, the factors affecting its fate and transport, its health effects, its ecological effects, engineering control measures, and regulatory control measures.

For this milestone, locate one resource for each aspect of the pollutant you chose in milestone one: the sources of the pollutant, the factors affecting its fate and transport, its health effects, its ecological effects, engineering control measures, and regulatory control measures. Find your resources in the CSU Online Library and credible sources.

You will need to find a minimum of six sources, at least four of which must be from academic journals, and two or more may be from credible sources from the Internet, such as the EPA website. Write a one-paragraph summary of each source, and provide at least one sentence that describes how the source will be useful in your final research paper. Your annotated bibliography should be at least two pages in length, not counting the title page. Include in-text and full citations in APA format.

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