Psychology Question

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Unfortunately, groups can wind up being less, rather than more, than the sum of their parts. Why is this? Imagine a local company has contacted you regarding how they use and implement teams within the workplace. Includethe topics and models covered in the readings: crowding, evaluation apprehension, social loafing, groupthink, group polarization, social pressure, and minority influence. Create a 10- to 12 slide Microsoft® PowerPoint®, research-based presentation to help the company understand the various benefits and pitfalls of team- or group-based work. Address the following in your presentation:

Discuss research findings on the various dynamics of groups of people working together.

  • Each slide should list the model or theory addressed and a scenario to help the organization grasp the key concepts as well as advice on how to overcome the negative effects.
  • Translate the research results into everyday terms, as your audience will be people unfamiliar with psychological jargon.

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