Public Speaking Worksheet

Directions1. Think about an informative speech that you would like to present
on a topic of your choice.
2. The speech can be for any context and any length, but the
purpose must be to inform. See the list of example speech
occasions for inspiration.
3. Answer each question on pages 3-9 based on the speech you are
thinking of:
4. Consider your audience, purpose, and thesis and complete Part 1
of the template.
5. Utilize your program resources, the internet, or a local library to
find three credible sources that are relevant to your speech and
complete Part 2 of the template.
6. Read through your sources to identify five pieces of evidence that
support your thesis and complete Part 3 of the template. Be sure
to use at least three different types of sources (example, statistic,
analogy, definition, visual, story, testimony).
Speech Occasions

Demonstration presentation (showing how to do something)
Product analysis

Presenting academic work (paper, research, report)
Present and explain original creative work

Sharing relevant information at a community gathering (PTA meeting,
boy/girl scout convention, town hall, homeowner’s association, athletic
league, school board meeting, etc.)
Communicating a community initiative or policy

Presenting to staff (new initiatives, pep talks, announcements, etc.)
Presenting to colleagues or peers (idea sharing, status updates, etc.)
Presenting to superiors (project plan, project summary, etc.)

All writing must be appropriate for an academic context
Follow academic writing conventions (correct grammar, spelling,
punctuation, and formatting)
Composition must be original and written for this assignment;
plagiarism of any kind is strictly prohibited
Use a readable 11- or 12-point font
Submission checklist
_ I have completed all aspects of the template.
_ My answers demonstrate thoughtful consideration of each question.
_ I have selected sources that are credible and relevant.
_ I have selected five pieces of support that are relevant to my thesis.
_ I have selected three or more different kinds of support.
_ I have adhered to all of the requirements.
Public Speaking Touchstone 2 Template
Complete the following template, including all parts. Fill out all cells using complete sentences, aiming for
one to three complete sentences for each cell of the template.
What are you hoping to achieve with this speech?
Who will be in your audience? What do you know about them?
What is the key message of your speech?
Source Title
Author(s) Name
Where did you get this source? Include location, book, periodical, url, etc.
Retrieved from
How recent is the data or information presented in your source?
When was the source published? If the source is a website, when was the website last updated?
What does the source cover?
How well-researched and detailed is the source? How much depth is the topic covered in?
How is this content and level of detail relevant to your purpose, audience, and message?
How is the author qualified to speak on the topic?
What is the author’s purpose?
What biases might they have?
Is the information the author’s opinion alone or is it supported by cited facts?
Who funds the website or publication?
Are there items endorsed or for sale? If so, what items?
What is the reputation of the website or publication?
Source Title
Author(s) Name
Where did you get this source? Include location, book, periodical, url, etc.
Retrieved from
How recent is the data or information presented in your source?
When was the source published? If the source is a website, when was the website last updated?
What does the source cover?
How well-researched and detailed is the source? How much depth is the topic covered in?
How is this content and level of detail relevant to your purpose, audience, and message?
How is the author qualified to speak on the topic?
What is the author’s purpose?
What biases might they have?
Is the information the author’s opinion alone or is it supported by cited facts?
Who funds the website or publication?
Are there items endorsed or for sale? If so, what items?
What is the reputation of the website or publication?
Source Title
Author(s) Name
Where did you get this source? Include location, book, periodical, url, etc.
Retrieved from
How recent is the data or information presented in your source?
When was the source published? If the source is a website, when was the website last updated?
What does the source cover?
How well-researched and detailed is the source? How much depth is the topic covered in?
How is this content and level of detail relevant to your purpose, audience, and message?
How is the author qualified to speak on the topic?
What is the author’s purpose?
What biases might they have?
Is the information the author’s opinion alone or is it supported by cited facts?
Who funds the website or publication?
Are there items endorsed or for sale? If so, what items?
What is the reputation of the website or publication?
What is the piece of support (example, statistic, analogy, definition, visual, story, testimony) that you
are going to use in your speech? E.g. “50% of all American voters…”
What type of support is it? Is it an example, a statistic, an analogy, a definition, a visual, a story, or a
Type of Support
How does this piece of support reinforce your message?
What is the piece of support (example, statistic, analogy, definition, visual, story, testimony) that you
are going to use in your speech? E.g. “50% of all American voters…”
What type of support is it? Is it an example, a statistic, an analogy, a definition, a visual, a story, or a
Type of Support
How does this piece of support reinforce your message?
What is the piece of support (example, statistic, analogy, definition, visual, story, testimony) that you
are going to use in your speech? E.g. “50% of all American voters…”
What type of support is it? Is it an example, a statistic, an analogy, a definition, a visual, a story, or a
Type of Support
How does this piece of support reinforce your message?
What is the piece of support (example, statistic, analogy, definition, visual, story, testimony) that you
are going to use in your speech? E.g. “50% of all American voters…”
What type of support is it? Is it an example, a statistic, an analogy, a definition, a visual, a story, or a
Type of Support
How does this piece of support reinforce your message?
What is the piece of support (example, statistic, analogy, definition, visual, story, testimony) that you
are going to use in your speech? E.g. “50% of all American voters…”
What type of support is it? Is it an example, a statistic, an analogy, a definition, a visual, a story, or a
Type of Support
How does this piece of support reinforce your message?
What have you learned from completing this activity?

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