Rasmussen College Childrens Home Proposal Paper

A one-three page proposal, The proposal will include a list of team members, brief description of the agency selected (the name of the agency, City/State where the agency is located, what services it provides, etc), a rationale for selecting the agency, a description of the assignment of responsibilities of the team members (including which sections each member will be responsible for and how this was determined [e.g. member wanted to display skills in discussing barriers). Attached is a rough draft would like to expound on the agency and the services provided. And expound on the reason for choosing the children’s home society of florida. ( creating a final draft of the rough dtaft)

The agency chosen is the Children’s Home society of Florida The children’s home society has
various locations throughout the state of Florida. CHS is designed to help children and families
through the most difficult times of their lives. CHS works to help keep more kids safe at home
with their families, giving parents confidence and opportunities to build upon their strengths,
empowering them to raise their children in healthy, nurturing homes. And reducing the need for
foster care and addressing the needs by working with children and families before crises occur.
The CHS provides Early childhood programs, counseling, Community partnerships within
school settings, foster care and adoption services as well as additional services needed by
individual families.
We chose CHS as we both have knowledge of the Child Welfare system. And it is an
organization that provides wraparound services for the family unit as a whole .As social workers
Child Welfare is one of the most complex and emotional career paths as you are faced with
trauma on a daily basis when working with children and their situations that they have endured
which has caused DCF and other organizations to intervene for the safety and welfare of the
In developing our paper on Trauma-Informed Service Analysis, we designated specific
responsibilities for each member. Team members Ayana and Shanta will both participate in the
interview process with the agency’s employee. This decision was made as it will provide both
with the opportunity to gain firsthand knowledge of the agency, as well as the opportunity to ask
individual questions outside those outlined.
Our responsibilities post interview were decided on where our greater interest lies. Ayana will
explore how the key assumptions and principles of trauma-informed services are reflected in
services provided by the agency. Having worked in Child Welfare, Ayana felt comfortable with
this responsibility. She is also responsible for exploring the extent to which the agency practices
these approaches. Shanta is responsible for exploring the barriers to creating trauma-informed
services in the agency. These barriers will be discussed in depth. Previously working as a Child
Protective Investigator, Shanta has been exposed to barriers working with families that have
faced ongoing traumas. Shanta wanted to compare the two for similarities and differences. Are
the barriers the same faced within all Child Welfare agencies? Is it based on intrusion? Also,
Shanta is responsible for discussing what can be done to improve awareness of the key
assumptions and principles and any recommendations for the agency. Although specific
responsibilities have been assigned, as a group we will both give our input to all points in the
paper where the other may have missed. Our goal is to both leave with a great understanding
and knowledge of an agency that is based throughout the state of Florida.

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