Read the two articles “Predictive Probes”, and “New Test Tells Whom a Crippling Disease Will Hit—and When” from the textbook…

Read the two articles “Predictive Probes”, and “New Test Tells Whom a Crippling Disease Will Hit—and When” from the textbook and write two separate analytical summaries.
This assignment has two parts.
Part 1—First Article
Write an analytical summary of the article focusing on the article’s main claims. Include the following:
· Identify the three ways the author uses evidence to support assertions.
· Identify the places where evidence is employed as well as how the author uses this evidence. Discuss evidence “as the reason” vs. “the support for the reason.” Also discuss evidence as dependent on the issue/context.
· Analyze how the author signals this usage through elements such as word choices, transitions, or logical connections.
Part 2—Second Article
Write an analytical summary of the article focusing on the article’s main claims. Include the following:
· Identify the author’s use of the three elements: experiment, correlation, and speculation to support assertions.
· Analyze how the author signals the use of these elements through language. For example, word choices, transitions, or logical connections.
Write a 4–5-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of source.

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