RES 724 University of Phoenix Qualitative Research Project Discussion

RES/724 v7Designing a Qualitative Research Project – Final
Mock Study Worksheet
In Weeks 4–6, you began developing pieces of a qualitative mock study. For this week’s assignment, you
will combine revised Parts 1–3 and complete Part 4 of this worksheet to design a final mock study
proposal. Be sure to complete and submit the entire worksheet and combine references at the end of the
worksheet where indicated.
Part 1: Problem, Purpose, and Research Question
State the Problem
State the problem, including the consequence(s) of the problem. Remember: Without a consequence,
you don’t have a problem; you have a situation. Write your problem on a new line below.
Example: The problem is [state the problem], resulting in [state the consequence]. Note: Be sure to
provide an APA formatted citation for this problem and reference(s) in the appropriate section at the end
of this document.
[Insert from Week 4 assignment, revised if necessary.]
Purpose of the Study
The purpose statement describes the goal of the study and includes the following elements: the purpose
of the study, the subjects/population who will participate in the study, the geographic location of the study,
and the research methodology used in the study. Write your purpose statement on a new line below.
Example: The purpose of this qualitative [research design] study is to [state the purpose of your study].
[Insert from Week 4 assignment, revised if necessary.]
Research Question
The research questions are overarching questions that will guide your qualitative study. Sometimes
researchers incorporate a single central research question, while other times, multiple research questions
are used. If a single research question is used, at least two research sub-questions should also be
included. See the CDS Dissertation Guide and Alignment Handbook in CDS Central for some additional
information and examples. Write your research questions on a new line below.
Examples of how research questions could begin:



In what ways…?

[Insert from Week 4 assignment, revised if necessary.]
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Part 2: Ethics
Role of the Researcher
Using your mock study topic as an example, explain the role of the researcher in qualitative research.
[Insert from Week 5 assignment, revised if necessary.]
Access to Participants
Think about what participants you might be interested in interviewing or observing for your qualitative
mock study. Describe how you will gain access to these participants, including any relevant steps
needed to gain permission to access these individuals.
[Insert from Week 5 assignment, revised if necessary.]
Ethical Considerations
Discuss any additional ethical considerations in your qualitative mock study. Think about aspects of
confidentiality, credibility, etc.
[Insert from Week 5 assignment, revised if necessary.]
Part 3: Data Collection – Interviews
Position of Participants/Interviewees
Describe the key interview inclusion criteria for your potential participant:
[Insert from Week 6 assignment, revised if necessary.]
Interview Questions
Include 8–10 questions.
[Insert from Week 6 assignment, revised if necessary.]
Part 4: Nature of the Study and Proposed Analysis
Nature of the Study
In this course, we have discussed several qualitative research designs. For this week, refer back to your
Week 2–3 Worksheet. Choose the qualitative research design that fits most closely with this mock study.
Be sure to describe key characteristics of the research design and justify the rationale for why you
believe this would be a good design fit with your study topic. Be sure to use sources to justify your points.
Proposed Analysis
In Week 7, you learned about various forms of data analysis. Propose an appropriate form of data
analysis for your mock study topic. Be sure to support your decision with sources.
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Designing a Qualitative Research Project – Final Mock Study Worksheet
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Copyright 2022 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.
RES/724 v7
Designing a Qualitative Research Project – Final
Mock Study Worksheet
In Weeks 4–6, you began developing pieces of a qualitative mock study. For this week’s assignment, you
will combine revised Parts 1–3 and complete Part 4 of this worksheet to design a final mock study
proposal. Be sure to complete and submit the entire worksheet and combine references at the end of the
worksheet where indicated.
Part 1: Problem, Purpose, and Research Question
State the Problem
State the problem, including the consequence(s) of the problem. Remember: Without a consequence,
you don’t have a problem; you have a situation. Write your problem on a new line below.
Example: The problem is [state the problem], resulting in [state the consequence]. Note: Be sure to
provide an APA formatted citation for this problem and reference(s) in the appropriate section at the end
of this document.
[Insert from Week 4 assignment, revised if necessary.]
Purpose of the Study
The purpose statement describes the goal of the study and includes the following elements: the purpose
of the study, the subjects/population who will participate in the study, the geographic location of the study,
and the research methodology used in the study. Write your purpose statement on a new line below.
Example: The purpose of this qualitative [research design] study is to [state the purpose of your study].
[Insert from Week 4 assignment, revised if necessary.]
Research Question
The research questions are overarching questions that will guide your qualitative study. Sometimes
researchers incorporate a single central research question, while other times, multiple research questions
are used. If a single research question is used, at least two research sub-questions should also be
included. See the CDS Dissertation Guide and Alignment Handbook in CDS Central for some additional
information and examples. Write your research questions on a new line below.
Examples of how research questions could begin:



In what ways…?

[Insert from Week 4 assignment, revised if necessary.]
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Part 2: Ethics
Role of the Researcher
Using your mock study topic as an example, explain the role of the researcher in qualitative research.
[Insert from Week 5 assignment, revised if necessary.]
Access to Participants
Think about what participants you might be interested in interviewing or observing for your qualitative
mock study. Describe how you will gain access to these participants, including any relevant steps
needed to gain permission to access these individuals.
[Insert from Week 5 assignment, revised if necessary.]
Ethical Considerations
Discuss any additional ethical considerations in your qualitative mock study. Think about aspects of
confidentiality, credibility, etc.
[Insert from Week 5 assignment, revised if necessary.]
Part 3: Data Collection – Interviews
Position of Participants/Interviewees
Describe the key interview inclusion criteria for your potential participant:
[Insert from Week 6 assignment, revised if necessary.]
Interview Questions
Include 8–10 questions.
[Insert from Week 6 assignment, revised if necessary.]
Part 4: Nature of the Study and Proposed Analysis
Nature of the Study
In this course, we have discussed several qualitative research designs. For this week, refer back to your
Week 2–3 Worksheet. Choose the qualitative research design that fits most closely with this mock study.
Be sure to describe key characteristics of the research design and justify the rationale for why you
believe this would be a good design fit with your study topic. Be sure to use sources to justify your points.
Proposed Analysis
In Week 7, you learned about various forms of data analysis. Propose an appropriate form of data
analysis for your mock study topic. Be sure to support your decision with sources.
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Designing a Qualitative Research Project – Final Mock Study Worksheet
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Copyright 2022 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.
RES/724 v7
Designing a Qualitative Research Project – Final
Mock Study Worksheet
In Weeks 4–6, you began developing pieces of a qualitative mock study. For this week’s assignment, you
will combine revised Parts 1–3 and complete Part 4 of this worksheet to design a final mock study
proposal. Be sure to complete and submit the entire worksheet and combine references at the end of the
worksheet where indicated.
Part 1: Problem, Purpose, and Research Question
State the Problem
State the problem, including the consequence(s) of the problem. Remember: Without a consequence,
you don’t have a problem; you have a situation. Write your problem on a new line below.
Example: The problem is [state the problem], resulting in [state the consequence]. Note: Be sure to
provide an APA formatted citation for this problem and reference(s) in the appropriate section at the end
of this document.
The problem is that most communities face economic difficulties which makes it hard to maintain
economic stability in managing household activities and resources to meet their needs.
Purpose of the Study
The purpose statement describes the goal of the study and includes the following elements: the purpose
of the study, the subjects/population who will participate in the study, the geographic location of the study,
and the research methodology used in the study. Write your purpose statement on a new line below.
Example: The purpose of this qualitative [research design] study is to [state the purpose of your study].
The purpose of this study is to identify the strategies that can help manage a community’s
economy by creating a more strategic plan to control cash transfers which will help in aligning every
household activity and resource (Fao, 2014). The purpose of the qualitative study is to identify the main
problems resulting from cash transfers and identify a solution (CT-OVC) and the specific problems it will
help solve. The cash transfer allowed resource-poor households to prioritize children’s education and
meet necessities without selling off possessions, incurring debt, or using harmful coping mechanisms like
child labor.
Research Question
The research questions are overarching questions that will guide your qualitative study. Sometimes
researchers incorporate a single central research question, while other times, multiple research questions
are used. If a single research question is used, at least two research sub-questions should also be
included. See the CDS Dissertation Guide and Alignment Handbook in CDS Central for some additional
information and examples. Write your research questions on a new line below.
Examples of how research questions could begin:

Which cash transfer system can a community mostly use to help control financial operations and
reduce any finance burden?
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Designing a Qualitative Research Project – Final Mock Study Worksheet
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1. How does cash transfer affect the community’s economy?
2. How will the community implement the cash transfer system?
Will this method help to control the community’s operations and strategies and is it possible to
use this strategy to make the community more profitable?
1. How will the cash transfer system help control the main problem?
2. What is the expected benefit from the new method and what are the challenges
Part 2: Ethics
Role of the Researcher
Using your mock study topic as an example, explain the role of the researcher in qualitative research.
The role of the researcher in undertaking the study will be to facilitate the identification of the
feelings and thoughts of the study participants. In particular, the researcher has the primary role of
defining the scope of the study and guiding the study in the direction of achieving its purpose (Xu and
Storr, 2019). Inherently, the researcher guides the process of identifying strategies to help in managing
communities’ economies through plans for controlling cash transfers. In undertaking their role, the
researcher guides the discussion with participants while facilitating the identification of primary problems
associated with cash transfers. Even though the researcher participates in the discussion, their
participation is largely passive. Consequently, the researcher should not provide an opinion or lead the
discussion in ways that influences the responses from participants. Still, the researcher has a significant
role in identifying and reducing bias associated with their knowledge of the topic under study (Sanjari et
al., 2014). Just like in other studies, the researcher will also be involved in the collection and analysis of
data based on responses from participants. As such, they provide the tools and instruments for data
collection as well as facilitate the interpretation and presentation of results.
Access to Participants
Think about what participants you might be interested in interviewing or observing for your qualitative
mock study. Describe how you will gain access to these participants, including any relevant steps
needed to gain permission to access these individuals.
As part of the research process, interviewing participants is a primary component that is
undertaken by the researcher. Thus, to understand the problems of cash transfers, the researcher will
interview participants drawn from the state and local departments of finance. Public managers and
administrators within the local and state offices will be interviewed to identify the effect of the cash
transfer program on the community. Similarly, local politicians and other leaders will be interviewed as
participants in the study to identify the problems associated with cash transfers in the community. Besides
public officers and political leaders, the interview will involve leaders in not-for-profit organizations
involved in socio-economic programs targeting local citizens. This study will also use focus groups for
interviewing community members on their specific experiences in using the cash transfer programs. The
use of focus groups is important in capturing the opinions and perceptions of community members and
determining their intentions in implementing the cash transfer system.
Ethical Considerations
Discuss any additional ethical considerations in your qualitative mock study. Think about aspects of
confidentiality, credibility, etc.
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The process of undertaking the research project imparts multiple ethical issues that need
thorough consideration. In particular, the use of focus groups provides concerns regarding the
confidentiality of responses derived from participants. The confidentiality of participants should be
maintained through the codification of their responses and abstinence from using their names to make
references to opinions. Similarly, participants will be guaranteed that their responses will not be used or
accessed by other third parties and that their information and feedback will only be used in the limited
process of research. Another ethical issue pertains to the credibility of findings based on the involvement
of the researcher in the research process. According to Arifin (2018), there is a need to alleviate bias on
the part of the researcher and effectively enhance the credibility of the results. Triangulation and
prolonged engagement with data will be used to overcome this ethical issue to derive accurate themes
and patterns on the cash transfer system. The role of the researcher will also be clearly defined to
alleviate the potential for bias and undue influence on the participants.
Part 3: Data Collection – Interviews
Position of Participants/Interviewees
Describe the key interview inclusion criteria for your potential participant:
The participants to be interviewed include public managers, administrators, local leaders and
politicians, leaders from non-profit organizations, and community members. Therefore, the key interview
inclusion criteria for these participants will involve several aspects. The first inclusion criterion is the
educational experience (Patino & Ferreira, 2018). For example, public managers and administrators
should have vast educational experience in financial matters such as cash transfers to ease the financial
challenges facing households in the community. Education of the participants should ensure they
understand how cash transfer operates and the appropriate strategies for navigating the challenges of
cash transfer. The inclusion criteria for the participants will also include the type of occupation (Patino &
Ferreira, 2018). For example, local leaders and politicians should make policies on the cash transfer
program to ensure communities receive the funds allocated to address financial challenges. Lastly, the
economic status of community members is an inclusion criterion to consider when interviewing community
members to ensure they understand the purpose of the cash transfer system in restoring the economic
stability of poor households.
Interview Questions
Include 8–10 questions.
1. Have you ever witnessed any situation where a cash transfer system was utilized to address
socioeconomic issues in your community?
2. Who were the main financiers of the cash transfer system? Private donors? Local or Regional
3. When helping communities to address economic challenges, which criteria would you use to
determine those to benefit from a cash transfer system?
4. What are some of the challenges facing the cash transfer system?
5. Do you have solutions to challenges facing the cash transfer system?
6. Which priority issues will the resources received from the cash transfer system address?
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7. What timeframe should the cash transfer program remain active to help poor households facing
economic challenges?
8. Do you think cash transfer will be a sustainable strategy for helping poor households combat
economic hardships?
Part 4: Nature of the Study and Proposed Analysis
Nature of the Study
In this course, we have discussed several qualitative research designs. For this week, refer back to your
Week 2–3 Worksheet. Choose the qualitative research design that fits most closely with this mock study.
Be sure to describe key characteristics of the research design and justify the rationale for why you
believe this would be a good design fit with your study topic. Be sure to use sources to justify your points.
The case study method is the most suitable quantitative research design for the mock study. A
case study is an extensive examination of a group of people, individuals, communities, events or
institutions. It is a comprehensive and extensive study of society’s social unit, such as a family group, a
person, an institution or an event (Patten, 2018). It fits mock study because it allows one to trace social
unit relations with dynamic forces of its surroundings and the social factors. Second, this design makes
constructing an appropriate questionnaire for the mock study easier, where the researcher can use
detailed and extensive interviews or individual reports.
Case studies have made a great deal in medicine where nurses have utilized them to answer
some medical questions. A case study is characterized by the small number of units to study. With this
type, a researcher might decide to take one or a social unit. Secondly, the researcher thoroughly and
extensively examines the social unit by gathering enough information to draw appropriate inferences. The
researcher also has to cover all facets of the social unit. Thirdly, depending on the research purpose, a
case study can be considered either quantitative or quantitative. Finally, a case study has a continuity
nature where one maintains a study during a disruptive situation or event and immediately resumes the
study after the situation ends (Rashid et al., 2019). In this mock study, comprehensive information needs
are key; therefore, case study design ensures that the researcher thoroughly and compressively carries
out the study.
Proposed Analysis
In Week 7, you learned about various forms of data analysis. Propose an appropriate form of data
analysis for your mock study topic. Be sure to support your decision with sources.
Diagnostic analytics will be the appropriate form of data analysis for my mock study
topic. Diagnostic analytic aims to understand the reason behind why something happened. It also
provides vital information on the existence of a relationship or trend. This form of data analysis
is essential in a nursing or medicine study, giving an insight into every aspect of healthcare
(Ognjanovic, 2020). Diagnostic analytics, called root cause analysis, is commonly used in
extensive healthcare data analytics.
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Elliot, R. T. (2016). A Qualitative Study of the Growth Strategies of Mature Small Businesses. Walden
University Scholar Works.
Fao. (2014). Qualitative research and analyses of the economic impacts of cash transfer programmer in
sub-Saharan Africa. Case Study Report.
Arifin, S. R. M. (2018). Ethical considerations in qualitative study. International Journal of Care
Scholars, 1(2), 30-33.
Sanjari, M., Bahramnezhad, F., Fomani, F. K., Shoghi, M., & Cheraghi, M. A. (2014). Ethical
challenges of researchers in qualitative studies: The necessity to develop a specific
guideline. Journal of medical ethics and history of medicine, 7.
Xu, M. A., & Storr, G. B. (2019). Learning the concept of researcher as instrument in qualitative
research. Qualitative Report, 17, 42.
Patino, C. M., & Ferreira, J. C. (2018). Inclusion and exclusion criteria in research studies:
definitions and why they matter. Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia, 44, 84-84.
Ognjanovic, I. (2020). Healthcare data analytics. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics.
Patten, M. L. (2018). Qualitative Research Design. In Understanding Research Methods.
Rashid, Y., Rashid, A., Warraich, M. A., Sabir, S. S., & Waseem, A. (2019). Case Study
Method: A Step-by-Step Guide for Business Researchers. International Journal of
Qualitative Methods.
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