Response to the following questions in 260-word count content each. Q1 Every country and region has its own culture, norm, morals, and ethical standard, and what is not acceptable in one place is i

Response to the following questions in 260-word count content each.

Q1    Every country and region has its own culture, norm, morals, and ethical standard, and what is not acceptable in one place is in another, which holds true even in different parts of the USA. Walmart learned that lesson in Germany to the tune of $1 billion dollars. Why did Walmart fail in Germany?

Q2    A company had declining sales, and to survive, they had a layoff, after which they took the labor-saving and invested them in an advertising campaign. The advertising campaign was successful, and they were able to rehire some of the employees that were laid off.

The ethical question/argument is that they should not have laid off

the employees and used the saving for the advertising campaign, which saved

the company. However, the other ethical argument is that if they had not done

the layoff, then the company would have close, and everyone would have been out

a job.

So, in your opinion, what was the ethical decision to make and

why or simply do you agree with the company or disagree with the company’s

decision, ethically?

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