Santa Monica College Errors During Nitrous Sedation Questions

Week 15 – Assignment: Critique N2O/O2 Sedation Procedure

Watch the following video of a N2O/O2 sedation procedure.Utilizing the cumulative knowledge you have gained from your textbook, lectures, and homework:- List 4 specific errorsthat the clinician makes (can be related to preparation or handling of armamentarium, sedation technique, safety issues, information that the clinician verbalizes, etc).

Week 15 – Assignment: Cri-
tique N20/02 Sedation
Procedure A
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Available May 17 at 9am – May 24 at 9:05am 7 days
Week 15 – Assignment: Critique N20/02
Sedation Procedure
Watch the following video of a N20/02
sedation procedure.
Utilizing the cumulative knowledge you
have gained from your textbook, lectures,
and homework:
– List 4 specific errors that the clinician
makes (can be related to preparation or
handling of armamentarium, sedation
technique, safety issues, information that
the clinician verbalizes, etc).
– For each error:
1. Explain why they are incorrect.
2. Explain what should be done to
correct these mistakes.
**Please use bullet point format.

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