SOC 100 BMCC How Has Covid 19 Affected Society Research Paper

How has the lockdown and social distancing has impacted social interactions and activit. Check the attached file for full explanation with details on how the paper should be written

SOCIOLOGY Extra credit Paper
Despite the devastating consequences of the corona 19 virus to the physical health of the world’s
population, some argue that the actions and strategies, “social distancing”, implemented to
address this pandemic has caused other socially unintended irreparable outcomes for the
societies around the world. With that in mind, such tumultuous events give social scientists the
chance to observe how people administer, control, and regulate themselves without “socially
normalized interaction”.
For this extra credit paper, I want you to re-visit those concepts relating to the material
governing “social interaction and social structure, and explain however, the social distance and
“lock down” policies has affected and continues to affect your life – not in a medical way but a
social way. You will look at and choose at least 8 of the following concepts to write about with
regards to your life and experiences during this health crisis. However, you must include
interaction and social structure in that 8 concepts.

Social structure
Reality and the following reality related models.
o Physical
o Social
o Subjective
o Objective
Ascribed status
Achieved status
What Are Social Roles?
Role Conflict
Role Strain
Role Exit
either 15, 10 or 5 points to one of your exams (not the final) depending on the quality of the
For the first paper, I’d like you to examine one or more examples of the opening or closing credits of a
film or television show (though I’ll send you a list of possibilities, you can use any you like as long as
they’re available online). Among the things you could discuss are the following: What makes these
credits especially interesting, beautiful, powerful, unique, funny, memorable, and so on? How are
images, sounds, or a combination of both used to create particular effects, introduce characters and
concepts, and make certain points? If you already know the show or film, how do the credits
represent, summarize, symbolize, point to, and/or comment on it? If you don’t know it, what sense of,
and clues about, it do you get from the credits ? If you’re looking at more than one credit
how do they compare and contrast? In other words, just make and support a point about these credits.
You can make any point(s) you’d like to make about the opening/closing credit sequence(s) of your choice. Here again, though, is the paper description
from the syllabus, which is meant to help give you ideas but not to limit you:
“For the first paper, I’d like you to examine one or more examples of the opening or closing credits of a film or television show (I’ll send you a list of
possibilities, though you can use any you like as long as they’re available online). Among the things you could discuss are the following: What makes
these credits especially interesting, beautiful, powerful, unique, funny, memorable, and so on? How are images, sounds, and a combination of these
used to create particular effects, introduce characters and concepts, and make certain points? If you know the show or film, how do the credits represent,
summarize, symbolize, point to, and/or comment on it? If you don’t know it, what sense of, and clues about, it do you get from the credits? If you’re
looking at more than one, how do they compare and contrast? In other words, just make and support a point about these credits”(3).

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