SOC 417 GCU The High Crime Rates Among the African Americans Ethnicity Essay

In your final essay (2,000-2,500 words), citing the five to seven scholarly sources you analyzed in your Literature Review, define and explain the role of a theory in providing a perspective on the social problem you selected for this course.

Using your selected social problem and the revised content from your worksheets, and outline, address the following in your essay:

Describe how these theories help explain the existence of your chosen social problem and its continued impact on society:


  • Conflict Theory
  • Symbolic Interactionism

  • GCU believes that the redemptive work of Christ offers hope of restoration to individuals, families, communities, and societies. Explain how someone with the Christian Worldview might approach reasoning for the social problem as well as the hope of alleviating the social problem.
  • Conclude your essay with a statement of how society works according to functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism.

    Typing Template for APA Papers: A Sample of Proper Formatting for APA Style
    Student A. Sample
    College Name, Grand Canyon University
    Course Number: Course Title
    Instructor’s Name
    Assignment Due Date
    Typing Template for APA Papers: A Sample of Proper Formatting for APA Style
    This is an electronic template for papers written according to the style of the American
    Psychological Association (APA, 2020) as outlined in the seventh edition of the Publication
    Manual of the American Psychological Association. The purpose of the template is to help
    students set the margins and spacing. Margins are set at 1 inch for top, bottom, left, and right.
    The text is left-justified only; that means the left margin is straight, but the right margin is
    ragged. Each paragraph is indented 0.5 inch. It is best to use the tab key to indent, or set a firstline indent in the paragraph settings. The line spacing is double throughout the paper, even on the
    reference page. One space is used after punctuation at the end of sentences. The font style used
    in this template is Times New Roman and the font size is 12 point. This font and size is required
    for GCU papers.
    The Section Heading
    The heading above would be used if you want to have your paper divided into sections
    based on content. This is a Level 1 heading, and it is centered and bolded, and the initial word
    and each word of four or more letters is capitalized. The heading should be a short descriptor of
    the section. Note that not all papers will have headings or subheadings in them. Papers for
    beginning undergraduate courses (100 or 200 level) will generally not need headings beyond
    Level 1. The paper title serves as the heading for the first paragraph of the paper, so
    “Introduction” is not used as a heading.
    Subsection Heading
    The subheading above would be used if there are several sections within the topic labeled
    in a first level heading. This is a Level 2 heading, and it is flush left and bolded, and the initial
    word and each word of four or more letters is capitalized.
    Subsection Heading
    APA dictates that you should avoid having only one subsection heading and subsection
    within a section. In other words, use at least two subheadings under a main heading, or do not
    use any at all. Headings are used in order, so a paper must use Level 1 before using Level 2. Do
    not adjust spacing to change where on the page a heading falls, even if it would be the last line
    on a page.
    The Title Page
    When you are ready to write, and after having read these instructions completely, you can
    delete these directions and start typing. The formatting should stay the same. You will also need
    to change the items on the title page. Fill in your own title, name, course, college, instructor, and
    date. List the college to which the course belongs, such as College of Theology, College of
    Business, or College of Humanities and Social Sciences. GCU uses three letters and numbers
    with a hyphen for course numbers, such as CWV-101 or UNV-104. The date should be written
    as Month Day, Year. Spell out the month name.
    Formatting References and Citations
    APA Style includes rules for citing resources. The Publication Manual (APA, 2020) also
    discusses the desired tone of writing, grammar, punctuation, formatting for numbers, and a
    variety of other important topics. Although APA Style rules are used in this template, the
    purpose of the template is only to demonstrate spacing and the general parts of the paper. GCU
    has prepared an APA Style Guide available in the Student Success Center and on the GCU
    Library’s Citing Sources in APA guide ( for help in correctly
    formatting according to APA Style.
    The reference list should appear at the end of a paper. It provides the information
    necessary for a reader to locate and retrieve any source you cite in the body of the paper. Each
    source you cite in the paper must appear in your reference list; likewise, each entry in the
    reference list must be cited in your text. A sample reference page is included below. This page
    includes examples of how to format different reference types. The first reference is to a webpage
    without a clear date, which is common with organizational websites (American Nurses
    Association, n.d.). Next is the Publication Manual referred to throughout this template (APA,
    2020). Notice that the manual reference includes the DOI number, even though this is a print
    book, as the DOI was listed on book, and does not include a publisher name since the publisher
    is also the author. A journal article reference will also often include a DOI, and as this article has
    four authors, only the first would appear in the in-text citation (Copeland et al., 2013).
    Government publications like the Treatment Improvement Protocol series documents from the
    Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (2014) are another common source found online. A book
    without a DOI is the last example (Holland & Forrest, 2017).
    American Nurses Association. (n.d.). Scope of practice.
    American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological
    Association (7th ed.).
    Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. (2014). Improving cultural competence (HHS
    Publication No. 14-4849). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance
    Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
    Copeland, T., Henderson, B., Mayer, B., & Nicholson, S. (2013). Three different paths for
    tabletop gaming in school libraries. Library Trends, 61(4), 825–835.
    Holland, R. A., & Forrest, B. K. (2017). Good arguments: Making your case in writing and
    public speaking. Baker Academic.
    Abstract: Scoliosis is a sideways curve in the spine that is often diagnosed in
    adolescents. The spine forms a curvature of C or S form. This results in back pain and
    deformity, if not treated in a timely manner (Wheeler, 2020). This illness can be passed on to
    the generations and it can happen at different age and gender groups. The reason behind most
    childhood’s scoliosis not being detected is due to conditions like muscular dystrophy and
    cerebral palsy. The majority of cases of the illness are mild but the condition of curves
    worsens with the growth of the child. Severe scoliosis can result in lungs dysfunction
    (Scoliosis, 2021).
    1. Introduction
    2. Problems experienced by individuals and their families
    a. body image problems
    b. psychological stress
    3. Application of psychological theory
    4. Assistance by health psychologists or health psychology
    5. Current research
    a. Larson
    6. Conclusion
    a. Concluding remarks
    SOC-417 Topic 5:
    How Theory Works Essay
    Assignment Directions:
    Create an outline below for the Final Essay by completing each section. You will turn in your
    outline for feedback from your instructor. Use this feedback to revise your outline:
    Describe your selected social problem (30-40 words):
    The high crime rate among the African Americans ethnicity.
    The crime rate varies significantly among ethnic groups and a study by the Federal Bureau of
    Investigation (2019) suggest 26.6 percent of arrests among Black/African American.
    Explain the social problem and a justification for choosing it. (50-75 words)
    The high crime rate among blacks is associated with socioeconomic factors like poverty,
    unemployment, poor neighborhoods, and lack of access to education. The social problem was
    selected based on the increased public controversy and debate on the topic, where some people
    argue that there is an overrepresentation of blacks in the criminal justice system following
    racial discrimination by the police during arrests.
    Apply the social imagination to the selected social problem. (50-75 words)
    The social imagination of the crime rate among the blacks is centered not on the structural
    constraints imposed by the racial stratification but the existing unique aspects of the African
    American culture that undermine nobleness and encourage crime. For instance, in the US
    crime rate, blacks are associated with poor upbringing resulting in children developing
    problematic behavior like lying to teachers and parents.
    Describe how the functionalist perspective explains the social problem you selected. (75-100
    Functionalists argue that a limited amount of crime among blacks is beneficial, inevitable,
    and necessary. The functionalists theorize crime to be inevitable as people cannot be equally
    committed to developing shared values and moral beliefs, hence some individuals will
    inevitably break the law. Crime has positive functions and contributes to the well-being of the
    society through developing self-regulation, where on arresting an individual the rest of the
    © 2017. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
    society learns that such behavior is unacceptable. Crime leads to self-integration where
    people join together to fight criminal activities.
    Classical Conflict Theory-
    Describe how the classical conflict perspective explains the social problem you selected. (75100 words)
    The theory argues that the crime definitions are controlled by those in power, the wealthy, and
    individuals with social status in society. In a broader sense, these groups of people tend to
    make laws and review laws in a way that protects them. Classical conflict perspective
    demonstrates that moral consensus is not considered on issues of criminality but the more
    crimes the ruling class commits, the more the value created. According to this theory, African
    Americans in upper and elite social classes are associated with the high crime rate problem.
    Modern Conflict Theory-
    Describe how the modern conflict perspective explains the social problem you selected. (75100 words)
    This perspective tends to show that the African Americans in the US commit crimes as they
    scramble for limited resources. The theory argues that since the blacks are among the
    minorities, they are unable to acquire resources due to other dominating ethnicities like the
    whites. Therefore, the African Americans commit crimes like robbery with violence, murder,
    homicide due to the perpetual conflict between them, the disadvantaged, and dominating races
    that can acquire the resources easier.
    Symbolic Interactionism-
    Describe how the symbolic interactionism perspective explains the social problem you
    selected. (75-100 words)
    According to symbolic interactionism, crime among African Americans is constantly produced
    through social interaction, which results in individuals acquiring detrimental behavior
    (Claerbaut, n.d). This perspective is associated with labeling and stigma, where since several
    black individuals are arrested in a neighborhood, the rest are viewed as criminals. In a broader
    sense, this theory assumes that deviance is socially constructed through interactions in
    everyday lives. Additionally, crime among the blacks is viewed as culturally transmitted where
    it is assumed that if thieves raise a child, there is a higher chance that the kid will eventually
    grow up and become a thief.
    The Christian Worldview and Sociological Thought
    © 2017. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
    Explain how someone with the Christian Worldview might approach reasoning for the social
    problem as well as the hope of alleviating the social problem. (75-100 words)
    Christian worldview assumes that crime is a sin since it causes suffering to people by treating
    them unfairly. The Christians do not judge or revenge crime offenders but rather believe that
    they should forgive these sins the same way God forgives them. However, when crime
    offenders are punished through law sentencing, the Christians believe that the court is
    exercising justice on behalf of God. Christianity teaches values and sound morals and hence
    when criminals repent and change their ways, they are forgiven.
    Conclude your essay with a statement of how society works according to the theories
    presented in this course. (75-100 words)
    In conclusion, the theories give reasons why crime occurs among the black community. The
    theories show why some offensive behaviors are on some occasions considered crimes, while
    others are viewed as normal behavior. In other words, the theories demonstrate the influence
    of acquired mannerisms and the effects of socialization on people’s values. These theories
    allow individuals to comprehend the subtle differences between the terms crime and deviance,
    where crime is viewed as defying the law while deviance is violating social norms.
    © 2017. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
    Claerbaut, D. Our Social World: An Introduction to Sociology. Retrieved 17
    March 2022, from
    The Federal Bureau of Investigation. (2019). Table 43: 2019 Crime in the United States. FBI.
    Retrieved 17 March 2022, from
    © 2017. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

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