Startford University Retirement Planning for Generation Y Article Summary

1. Choose one of the publications from the attached list, download and read it and reference the number beside it as well as its title on your Title page. It does not matter which article you choose, but since it is a varied list, pick one that sounds most interesting to you.

Published Intellectual Contributions
Refereed Journal Articles
Lang, T. K., Jones, R. C. (2018). Information Security Breaches, Internal Controls
and Related Legislation. Journal of Business, Industry and Economics, 23(Spring
2018), 74-88.
Jones, R. C., Lang, T. K., Atkinson, K. E. (2017). Cost of Social Security Disability
Insurance, Concerns of the Viability of the SSDI Fund and Potential SSDI Abuse.
Journal of Business, Industry and Economics, 22(2017), 85-99.
Lang, T. K., Jones, R. C. (2015). What Were the Tax Deductions Offered to Help
Cure the Housing Crisis?
Did They Work? Academy of Business Disciplines
Journal, 7(1), 41-52.
Jones, R. C., Hauck, J., Langston, V. (2014). Economic Upheaval and its Impact
on U.S. Banks–Considerations for Their Future Success or Failure. Journal of
Business, Industry and Economics, 19(Spring 2014), 52-66.
Atkinson, K. E., Jones, R. C. (2014). The History and Structure of the Auditing
Profession from 1975 through 1990. International Research Journal of Applied
Finance, V(3), 329-338.
Lang, T. K., Jones, R. C. (2013). A Look Back at the Education Tax Incentives of
1997 and 2001–Concerns and the Actual Impact. Journal of Business, Industry
and Economics, 18(Spring 2013), 151-166.
Atkinson, K. E., Jones, R. C., Eduardo, M. (2012). Whistleblowing, Hotlines and
the Impacts of the Sarbanes Oxley and Dodd-Frank. International Research
Journal of Applied Finance, III(12), 1731-1738.
Jones, R. C., Walker, J., Lang, T. K. (2012). Retirement Planning for Generation
Y. Academy of Business Disciplines Journal, 4(2), 97-108.
Jones, R. C., Thomas, J. F., Lang, T. (2012). Income Tax Reform and the Flat
Tax. International Journal of Business, Accounting and Finance (IJBAF), 6(2), 112.
10. Lang, T., Jones, R. C. (2012). Cost Behavior–A Significant Factor in Predicting
the Quality and Success of Hospitals–A Literature Review. Academy of Health
Care Management Journal, 8(1 and 2), 3-8.
11. Jones, R. C., Lang, T., Deal, K. H. (2012). Clickers–Are They Effective As A
Teaching Tool in Intermediate Accounting 2? Journal of Business, Industry and
Economics, 17(Spring 2012), 103-116.
12. Carter, F., Jones, R. C. (2011). Accounting for a Simulated Investment Portfolio:
Active Learning. Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, 15(3), 105-118.
13. Jones, R. C., Beard, J., Langston, V. (2010). The Blame Game–Who’s at Fault in
the Mortgage Crisis? Academy of Business Disciplines Journal, 2(2010), 1-15.
14. Jones, R. C., L’Oste-Brown, L. (2010). The Devaluation of the United States
Causes and Consequences. Advances in Business Research, 1(1), 224-
15. Lang, T., Hall, D., Jones, R. C. (2010). Accounting Student Perceptions of Ethical
Insight Into Future Accounting Professionals. Academy of Educational
Leadership Journal, 14(2), 1-11.
16. Jones, R. C., Gunnels, K., Lang, T. (2009). Accounting Ethics: A Reluctant
Progression Forward. Journal of Business & Leadership:
Research, Practice
and Teaching, 5(2), 10-19.
17. Deal, K. H., Jones, R. C., Lang, T., Landry, III, R. J. (2009). A Study of Fiscal
Stress in California’s Public Hospitals. International Journal of Business and
Public Administration, 16(2), 16-31.
18. Hamilton, K. L., Jones, R. C., Lang, T. (2008). Religious Beliefs or a College
Ethics Course–Does Either Really Impact Student Perceptions of Ethical
Behavior? Journal of Business and Leadership:
Research, Practice and
Teaching, 4(2), 70-80.
19. Lang, T., Hamilton, K. L., Hall, D., Jones, R. C. (2008). Investment Performance
Using a Mechanical Trading System:
Can Individual Investors Improve Their
Investment Results? Journal of Business, Industry and Economics, 11(Fall 2008),
20. Heriot, K., Cook, R. G., Simpson, L., Jones, R. C. (2008). The Use of Student
Consulting Projects as an Active Learning Pedagogy: A Case Study in an
Operations Management Course. Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative
Education, 6(2), 463-481.
21. Jones, R. C., Lang, T., Deal, K. (2007). An Active Learning Project in a
Managerial Accounting Principles Class:
Business and Leadership:
Is It Time Well-spent? Journal of
Research, Practice and Teaching, 3(1), 216-221.
22. Jones, R. C., Hamilton, K., Ingram, R. (2007). Students’ Perception of Ethical
Classroom Behavior: A Closer Look. Journal of Business, Industry, and
Economics, 8(Spring), 39-55.
23. Jones, R. C., Atkinson, K. E. (2005). Evolution of the Cash Flow Statement
Through 2003. Journal of Business Leadership:
Research, Practice, and
Teaching, 1(1), 228-233.
24. Jones, R. C., Carter, F., Hogan, P. T. (2004). Five Decades of Old and New – A
Content Analysis of the Presentation and Pedagogy of Kieso Et. Al.’s
Intermediate Accounting. Journal of Accounting and Finance Research/American
Academy of Accounting and Finance, 12(6), 47-58.
25. Heier, J. R., Jones, R. C. (2002). Continuity and Change in Cost Management
Education Since 1962: A Content Analysis of the Presentation and Pedagogy of
Charles Horngren’s Cost Accounting, A Managerial Emphasis. Journal of
Accounting and Finance Research, 10(4), 49-59.

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