Statistics for MiniTab software

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The total number of points possible is 100. Use the Help feature in MINITAB 16 to read descriptions for the data sets so that you can make meaningful comments (i.e., your comments should describe what the variables mean).

[25 pts] 1. Use the data set TWINSYANKEES.MTW in the Student 14 folder.

a) Construct a scatterplot that shows the number of games played plotted against the player’s age. Comment on the results (direction and strength of association). [5 pts]

b) Construct a scatterplot that shows the number of games played plotted against the number of base-on-balls. Comment on the results (direction and strength of association). [5 pts]

c) Construct a scatterplot that shows the number of games played plotted against the number of home runs. Comment on the results (direction and strength of association). [5 pts]

d) Find the correlations between the number of games played (GP) and Age, BB and HR. Do the correlations support your comments in parts (a) through (c)? Explain. [10 pts]

[30 pts] 2. Use the data set TEXTBOOKS.MTW in the Student 14 folder.

a) Find the correlations between listing price (List$), number of pages (NumPages), estimated grade level (GradeLev) and number of exercises in the text (NumExer) in the data set. Comment on the results. [10 pts]

b) Use regression to find an equation that predicts a textbook’s listing price (List$) using NumPages as the independent variable. What is the slope of the line? [5 pts]

c) Use regression to find an equation that predicts a textbook’s listing price (List$) using GradeLev as the independent variable. What is the slope of the line? [5 pts]

d) Which regression line is better? Hint: Compare the percentage of variability explained by each regression model. Explain. [10 pts]

[30 pts] 3. Below are the results of a national survey of 200 executives. They were asked to identify the geographic location of their company and their company’s industry type.

Geographic Location

Industry Type Northeast Southeast Midwest West

Finance 24 10 8 14

Manufacturing 30 6 22 12

Communications 28 18 12 16

Suppose a company is drawn at random:

a) What is the probability that a company is located in the Northeast and is in the finance industry? [5 pts]

b) What is the probability that a company is in the communications industry? [5 pts]

c) What is the probability that a company is in the manufacturing industry given that it is located in the southeast? [5 pts]

d) What is the probability that a company is in the manufacturing industry or is located in the West? [5 pts]

e) Is industry type independent of geographic location? Explain your answer. [10 pts]

[15 pts] 4. An executive is considering out-of-town business travel for a given Friday. She recognized that at least one crisis could occur on the day that she is gone and she is concerned about that. Below is a table that contains the number of crises that could occur during the day that she is gone and the probability that each number will occur.

Number of Crises




a) What is the expected number of crises? [5 pts]

b) What is the variance in the number of crises? [5 pts]

c) What is the standard deviation in the number crises? [5 pts]


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