Summative Assessment: Political Parties, Participation, Campaigns, and Elections Presentation

You applied for an internship with your local senator and there are many other people competing for the position. To select the best person for the job, the senator wants to determine what each intern applicant knows about the U.S. electoral system.

Create a 7- to 10-slide presentation to illustrate your knowledge of the U.S. electorate, campaigns, and political parties. You can include photos, illustrations, videos, or audio clips, as appropriate.

In your presentation:

  • Explain the purpose and functions of the United States’ political parties.
  • Describe the ways U.S. citizens can participate in the campaign and election process.
  • Explain the functions and purpose of caucuses and primary elections in political campaigns, particularly in the presidential election process.
  • Explain the role that the national political party conventions play in the presidential election process.
  • Explain the presidential general election campaign process and the important factors and events that influence it.

Review the Microsoft® PowerPoint® resources to enhance your presentation:

  • Ensure you have installed Microsoft® Office 365 prior to beginning this assignment.
  • View PC- PowerPoint 2013 – View Speaker Notes or PC- PowerPoint – View Speaker Notes for a brief visual demonstration on adding speaker notes to your presentation.
  • You may conduct a search for PowerPoint tutorials in the Media Library for additional assistance using Microsoft® PowerPoint®.
  • You may add pictures and graphics to enhance your presentation, and you are welcome to change the design layout of the presentation
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