The balanced scorecard (BSC), which was first introduced by Kaplan and Norton in 1992 has been gradually adopted by health care organizations (HCOs) as a tool to drive performance (Kaplan & Norton, 1992). This balanced approach takes into account the multiple variables that determine an HCO’s success without placing a greater emphasis on any one variable.

The balanced scorecard (BSC), which was first introduced by Kaplan and Norton in 1992 has been gradually adopted by health care organizations (HCOs) as a tool to drive performance (Kaplan & Norton, 1992). This balanced approach takes into account the multiple variables that determine an HCO’s success without placing a greater emphasis on any one variable.

Complete the following for this assignment in a 3-4 page paper, excluding cover page, abstract page, and reference page:

  • Write a paper evaluating the value of the balanced scorecard as a tool for assessing and improving organizational performance in a health care organization.
  • Discuss the concept of balancing performance across the BSC components to achieve the health care organization’s mission and strategic objectives.
  • After your review of the literature, indicate whether you agree with this approach. Explain your response.

Note: Use APA style to cite at least 5 scholarly sources from the last 5 years.

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