UMTC Moral Philosophies Multifaceted Disciplines & the Human Character Essay

This paper should be 3-4 pages long. At most, it should be 5-6 pages long. Being concise is good; just make sure you address the prompts above completely. Please use a Times-based font, and use 1-inch margins (1.25-inch margins on the sides, at the most). It should also be double-spaced.

JOUR 4274W – Paper 1
Moral Philosophies
In class, we discussed several different moral philosophies/methods for critiquing
and analyzing advertising– deontology, virtue ethics, utilitarianism, feminist ethics
and the Potter Box.
Take some time to think through each of the moral philosophies/approaches we
discussed. Essentially, this paper asks you to thoughtfully work through the
following big question: Which one resonates with you the most? Why?
In this paper, in organized long-form prose, please answer the following questions:

Which moral philosophy do you, personally, find the most compelling or
engaging? Why did the moral philosophy you chose resonate with you?
How does the moral philosophy you chose fit within the context of your
moral/ethical education as a child and young adult? (For example, I was
raised in the Presbyterian Church, which embraces a very orderly, rulesbased, duty-based, black-and-white theology. This upbringing definitely
affects the way I think as an adult).
How do you apply moral philosophy or ethical reasoning in your own life?
What are some of your own core tenets of morality and ethics? How do those
tenets fit within the moral philosophy you chose?
How might one apply the moral philosophy you chose to the advertising
industry in particular? As a practitioner? As a consumer of advertising? Or as
a critic or writer? What questions would the moral philosophy you chose
enable you to ask about the cultural influence and impact of advertising
choices? Which moral/ethical concerns would be the core concerns that your
moral philosophy would emphasize?
Finally, what might be some of the pitfalls or weaknesses of the moral
philosophy you chose? Is there anything you might add or change to address
This paper should be 3-4 pages long. At most, it should be 5-6 pages long. Being
concise is good; just make sure you address the prompts above completely. Please
use a Times-based font, and use 1-inch margins (1.25-inch margins on the sides, at
the most). It should also be double-spaced.
Make sure that your paper has a clear structure: (1) Introduction, (2) Thesis
statement (your thesis statement should be the final sentence of your
introduction), (3) Body and (4) Conclusion
I also expect you to list your references on a separate (final) page of the paper.
You can use whichever citation style you feel most comfortable with for the
references, as long as you are consistent. Feel free to cite the readings/lectures from
this class as references if you are using concepts from the readings. Most of the
information on moral philosophies was presented in lectures, so I expect you to at
least cite one lecture + one external source at a minimum.

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