University of Toronto Statistical Analysis Using SPSS Worksheet

Assignment on Statistical Analysis using SPSSCase 1:
Use the data file named Spearman Kendall No Ties containing two generic variables
named X and Y to generate the Spearman correlation. These variables have each
independently been rank-ordered and have been listed based on the X ranking. For
example, the first case is ranked first on X but second on Y.
Case 2:
To demonstrate the differences among the three correlations when there are ties in the
rankings, use the data file named Spearman Kendall Ties containing two generic
variables named A and B. These variables have each independently been rank-ordered
and listed based on the A ranking. Thus, Case number 1 is ranked first on A but eighth
on B. Ties in ranks are handled by assigning each of the tied ranks an average of the ranks
that would have been used in the absence of a tie. For example, Case number 2 and Case
number 6 were tied on the B measure and were each given the average rank of 4.5. As
can be seen in the data file, 10 of the 14 cases were involved in tied scores on the B
1. Obtain the Spearman and Kendall correlation using the two datasets and compare
the two generated outputs.
2. Interpret your results based on the analysis performed.
Please submit the following:
i. SPSS outputs in .spv format.
ii. Word document containing the SPSS outputs and interpretation.
Please submit to:
Submission deadline is on 10th January 2022

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