Utah State University CPA Utah and Fiscal Report Misrepresentation Questions

1) I would like you to find out the prices of three different self-guided CPA review materials. List the name of the materials, prices, and where you found the information.

2) What is the experience requirement to earn the CPA license in Utah?

3) Visit the AICPA website at

www.aicpa.org (Links to an external site.)

and find the CPA Exam Blueprint effective July 1, 2019:

https://www.aicpa.org/content/dam/aicpa/becomeacpa/cpaexam/examinationcontent/downloadabledocuments/cpa-exam-blueprints-effective-july-2019.pdf (Links to an external site.)

Compare the Content Group/Topic on Pages AUD7 to AUD27 to the material we will be covering in the course. List five deficiencies you find between the AICPA’s list and the topics we are scheduled to cover in class. (A better breakdown of what we will be covering in our readings will be found on pages v – xiv in the text.)

4) What were the top ten accounting firms (as per net revenue) as per 2019–these are 2018 numbers reported in 2019 (The Book shows numbers from 2014)? List the firms in order and revenue amount. Who, if any, would you like to work for and briefly tell me why?

5) Read the article on Krispy Kreme:

http://money.cnn.com/2004/10/08/news/midcaps/krispykreme/index.htm (Links to an external site.)

Where were the auditors? (You do not have to answer this one.) Who was Krispy Kreme’s auditor for 2003 (Fiscal Year ended February 1, 2004)? How about 2004 (Fiscal Year ended January 30, 2005) and 2005 (Fiscal Year ended January 29, 2006)? Look at the auditors report for 2003. Did the auditors give Krispy Kreme a good report for the 2003 financial statement audit? What language in the report helped you come to this decision? Turn in the name of the auditor, whether they gave a clean report, and the language that led to your decision. What about 2004 and 2005 (List the same things you did for 2003)?

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