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Review the

SMART Goals Worksheet

from Week 2, if needed. Be sure to note any feedback from your instructor about changes you may want to consider.

Optional: Review “

Writing Process

” for a refresher.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that describes your 3 SMART goals and your plans to achieve them. Be sure to do the following in your paper:

  • Write your introduction to include the elements you developed in the outline.
  • State the final version of each SMART goal, addressing each letter of the SMART acronym as it relates to the goal, as well as your responses to the questions presented in the outline.
  • Describe how each goal will help you achieve success in your courses, program, career, or personal life.
  • Write your conclusion to include the elements you developed in the outline.
  • Note: Remember this piece of advice about putting your ideas into words from the optional “Writing Process” video this week: “You just follow the outline. You just expand on the points and just start writing. It doesn’t matter how much or how little you write. You can revise later. You don’t want to worry too much about word count. It is important, but at this point content is much more important. You can write as much as you want. You can always edit it out later.”

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