Women in Intercollegiate Athletics Essay

Your University president is not well versed on the lack of diversity in athletic administration, in particular women in leadership roles in intercollegiate athletics. Therefore you have been tasked with informing your University President of the issue of the lack of women in intercollegiate athletic administration who hold leadership roles and have decided to develop and brief State of Women in Intercollegiate Athletics Leadership Summary/Report.

Your report should at minimum include the following…

  • A brief summary/overview of the issue of a lack of Women in intercollegiate athletic administration
  • An explanation of why it’s important that women are adequately represented among leaders in college athletics (this can be done in bullet point or paragraph format)
  • An outline of the Barriers for women entering intercollegiate athletics administration (this can be done in bullet point format just make sure you are thorough)
  • Outline a brief proposal or the presentation of some ideas, suggestions of some ways that you think we can increase the number of women leaders in intercollegiate athletic administration at each of the following levelsNCAAConference LevelInstitutional level

These can range from programs, implementing polices and procedures, proposals, programs etc.. the world is yours here…be creative!

Please note this report should be reader friendly, feel free to use bullet points, list and etc…

Be sure to site all sources in the report. It can have a similar format to the “Regression throughout Collegiate Athletic Leadership” report you read if you choose. Do not just simply write a paper, as this is to be a report. Be sure to inform us of the issue, have a general discussion, summarize information that backs your stance, and simply present a clear plan of your ideas/proposals at each level.

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