WU International Communication Issues Paper

Javante JacksonFinal Paper Outline
A. Introduction —
● Here I plan to give a brief overview of the full paper and what I plan to cover throughout.
B. Red Cross —
● I plan to give a full breakdown of the organization Red Cross. In this section I will identify
the who’s who within the org and the
C. Audiences

○ I expect to identify each audience and give full details on the functionality of each role
within the organization. I also plan to identify the difference between the roles that are
benefits in the company/org and what roles are benefits to the company from and outside
stand point, for example the community and media are benefits to the org.
D. Communications approach
● Each audience requires a different approach in order for it to be effective and in this section
is where I will identify each approach towards each key audience.
● The reasons behind these approaches will be explained from an organizational standpoint as
well as from a stakeholder perspective.
● Challenges, discrepancies and similarities will be discussed as to why certain approaches are
chosen and the effectiveness of each approach.
E. Communications team
● The communications section of my final paper will give insight on the duties of various
departments and roles of the communication team. Requirements, expertise, and functionality
of each role will be discussed. Giving a true oversight of how each role goes hand in hand in
making a communication team successful when working on various communication
F. Conclusion
● A proper conclusion of my paper will be provided in this section, giving a full synopsis of
everything discussed.
G. References/Works Cited

Any work or references that I used throughout my paper will be properly cited in this section.

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