forcasting recurrence

need to forecast a recurrence: attached is a graph that we are suppose to use to answer the questions. The questions are also attached to this post. I am soo confused about this exercise!. SO if someone could do this that would be GREAT!!!. Sheet 1 Period Airline Sales Airline F cst Alpha Period Interest […]

The Old Man And The Sea by Ernest Hemingway. Questions about the theme “Struggle”, Explain what this book teaches you about struggle and explain how the struggle can be seen as an important moral of the story. See in the description for whole question.

1. In what way is the struggle central to the story? 2. Using examples taken from the book explain how the author uses the characters and/or the plot to explore the struggle. 3. Explain what this book teaches you about struggle and explain how the struggle can be seen as an important moral of the […]

The Old Man And The Sea Question. Explain how the old man, Santiago, develops throughout the story by (if you can) giving examples from the book

Explain how the character develops throughout the story e.g. what changes happen to him? What events had a big influence on his life before “the fish” came? Do he develop in a positive or a negative way throughout the book? Also, what lessons do we learn from his actions?


Homework Assignment # 2 CHAPTER 7 Question 1 . Is the value of a house built in 200 0 and resold in 2008 included in the GDP of 2008? Why or why not? Would the services of the real estate agent who helped sell (or buy) the house in 2008 be counted in GDP for […]


Hello, I have a reaction paper due on Wednesday on or before 11:55pm about a Russian movie from the list I was given. Required length: 2 – 3 pages, double spaced, times new roman. Here is the link to the movie that I have chosen; Here are the requirements word per word: The REQUIREMENTS […]

Write an essay in which you explain and evaluate the Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis (as discussed in class and presented in…

Write an essay in which you explain and evaluate the Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis (as discussed in class and presented in the materials above). To what extent do you think this hypothesis is valid? What observations about language use and thought can be used either to support or to critique the LRH? What are some of […]


1. The aggregate supply curve relating the price level to real GDP has three distinguishing segments. Which one of the following indicates the segments? A) The horizontal segment reflects the increasing pressure on the price level as firms bid for resources. The upward-sloping segment reflects the availability of unused resources. The vertical segment reflects the […]

You are asked to write a php program that multiplies a matrix with a vector. The data

You are asked to write a php program that multiplies a matrix with a vector. The data for matrix and vector are to be read from data files. The content of the files are as follows. Matrix.dat vector.dat N M (matrix size: Rows and Columns) M (number of rows) Exactly N lines of data, each […]


Details: In the textbook, there are two circular flow diagrams: One that represents the flows in the macro-economy as a closed system and one that represents the flows as an open system. Review the diagrams and write a three to five page length paper that: •Defines and explains a closed system and provides an example. […]

answer the following questions please

1. A set of 50 data values has a mean of 18 and a variance of 4. I. Find the standard score (z) for a data value = 20. II. Find the probability of a data value < 20. (Points : 4) 2. Find the area under the standard normal curve: I. to the right […]

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